Last night before bed I looked in the mirror and realized my upper lip is disappearing. I've also just noticed how wrinkly my neck is. Why do our bodies change with age? Thinking positively, at least all the signs of aging aren't arriving at the same time.
I bought a new iPad on Friday! I'd had my old one forever, as in maybe 5 years? It got to the point where it constantly disappointed me. It was used up. I'm excited to own a new one. I've spent a lot of money lately on home projects so it was a big decision to spend additional money on anything. I had to give myself permission, which is hard for me to do.
I biked 20 miles yesterday with my friend Laurie in 20mph winds with additional mighty gusts. It was crazy and hard and my bottom is very sore from the seat. I'm glad I did it.
I'm feeling kind of down today, for some reason. I need to get dressed in the right clothes and take a walk. I'm going to do that right now. The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day.
Walked outside in town this morning!!🙂
☀️ ☀️
🎶 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross 🎶
Issac Watts
1. When I survey the wondrous cross
on which the...
51 minutes ago