I had an adventure planned today for my visiting sister from GA and my mom. I wanted us to take the Metro downtown to see the Cherry Blossoms at the Tidal Basin. What could be better than the trees at their peak bloom on a fabulous spring day? My mother wanted to go to Macy's to buy lotion. NO way, says The General (me). Ilene is visiting and we have this gorgeous day and you want to go to Macy's? We need an adventure. My mom was nervous about driving her scooter on Metro and being amongst the hoardes of tourists. I said we'd take care of everything. We had no problem getting on the train. We had a problem getting off. Too many people and the doors close too fast and we couldn't get off. We went to the next stop and my mom walked off with my sister and I pushed the scooter out the door. The next train was packed but my mom and sister got on through one door as I yelled, I'll meet you at the next stop. I pushed my way on that one, saying, sorry, sorry. I got to the Smithsonian exit and they were waiting for me. We found our way to the elevator and exited to the bright day. Almost right away I noticed the first cherry tree. So, so far from peak. So almost done. I should have known. I didn't even check. Our heat spell made all the leaves bloom and the remaining blossoms fade to a pale pink. Wah. It was still very pretty out, and the crowds weren't too bad. I've been there at peak bloom time, and it looks like a billion pink or white butterflies perched on branches. That's what I wanted. We did get to experience something really exciting. Traffic totally stopped. Motorists were standing outside their cars in exasperation. We saw a lot of helicopters. I was a little afraid of terrorists. Then I heard someone say, "Obama's about to pass by on his way to pitch the first ball of the National's game". What followed was a motorcade of many police motorcycles, black SUV's, black paneled trucks, an ambulance, and then DC police. Everyone was waving. Of course you couldn't tell which car Obama was in, but it was exciting just the same.
The real fun began when the scooter wouldn't GO. No power. We'd turn it on and off by the handles. Turn the battery on and off in the back. Put the brake on and off. Repeat, repeat. Each time I said, I'm not nervous. This is going to work. Each time, somehow, I was the one to get it going. Once it started malfunctioning, it happened every time we stopped it. Like when we sat on a bench to eat our lunch. Or waited for an elevator. It wouldn't go when it was time to get on the Metro to go home. Once again, I had to push an empty scooter onto the train. And off the train. It took a long time to get it going the last time. Again I said, I'm not nervous. This is going to work. And it did. I think it's time for a new scooter. Our little adventure had us wiped out, and we really didn't do much. It was the Metro that did it and the broken down scooter.
I hung out at my parent's house for a long time after we got back. My dad and sister and I sat in the shade on the patio talking. It was the first time that my dad asked for help with his bills. He said he wasn't as sharp as he used to be. I asked if this was a recent development and he said it's been happening over the past few months. I really see a noticeable difference in him, and it's frightening. The good thing was to be able to talk candidly about it. My local sister Lisa came over. We sisters went to the garage and started a throwing away frenzy. There's so much stuff in the house. We talked about managing their bills and getting help in. It was good. We ordered Chinese carry-out and everyone sat on the patio and ate. It was really a nice time. All that was missing was my brother. We should have called to see if he could come over. It's rare for all the sibling to be together. We were together last night. We forgot to take pictures.
I'm home now...doing laundry before going to bed. I'm ready. Time to put this 'weekend' to rest.
Washing Windows
30 degrees, clear skies, and no wind this morning when I went walking in
Now that we had the time change I'm plunged into darkness
again when I walk....
22 hours ago
Sorry to hear about all the trouble with the scooter. But... you're one brave woman to take all that on. Get some sleep tonight. I'm sitting here gnawing my fingernails watching the Duke game.
Wow you sure had an adventure! I admire you for being so ambitious!
Great you could talk so openly with your dad about his bills. good he realizes he needs help.
We threw out stuff in my mom's cellar yesterday, too. Good to help them clear out clutter.
Wish someone would help me!
Sorry the scooter was uncooperative. Kind of like a teenage daughter, huh??? I've said it before and I'll say it again...you are one Hell of a daughter! Good for you and Eileen to go on the adventure; I'm sure it did a world of good for your mom. And how great about your dad's opening up to you -- I can understand your sadness, though. That's a tough pill for children to swallow.
Yep, you know I'm with Kathy...you are an awesome daughter. And mother. And sister....and friend. Teehee. I love that you take the time for your family.
Happy "Monday" to you. Hugs.... :)
What a day! But it was still better then going to Macy's!! :-)
I agree with the others, you are a great daughter.
What a day! You take such lovely pictures.... and of places I've never been.
Btw.. I love the pic of you on your side bar. You have beautiful eyes!
Yikes, that scooter breakdown is a real drag. I love visiting DC so pretty.
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