I've been meaning to write for days and days. I don't know why I put it off. Or why I feel obligated to write.
We've had some nasty weather. Boo hiss. Cold (in the 40's) and damp and rainy. Gray skies. Windy! I don't like it one bit. The rain I welcome, though of course I wish it came on workdays. The combination is just mean. On the bright side, Rob and I worked in my garden last week and he put down all the mulch. It looks just great, if I do say so myself. I planted my first rose, a double-red Knock Out. I'm excited. I'm glad I didn't put anything else in the ground with the weather we're having. I'm babying-along my hundreds of zinnia seedlings in my garage.
I went to a new dentist for the first time in probably 10 years. My old dentist walked away from his practice over a year ago. He was my cousin's husband, and very good. I finally got dental insurance and went to my daughter's dentist. It was a 10 minute drive as opposed to the hour I had been driving. The cleaning was the best I've ever gotten. I liked the new dentist very much. I have an appointment to go back in 3 weeks to have a cavity filled. He suggested I could use 2 crowns. I asked him if it was because the fillings in the teeth were old, or because they were bad. They were old. My former dentist left his practice because he wasn't a money-maker.
Emily gave me a gift certificate for a full-body massage for Christmas and I finally used it today. It was wonderful. Decadent. What a pleasurable experience. I bought gift certificates for Rob and Emily and myself for Christmas too. We all need to use them.
Rob and I went to the dermatologist on Thursday for body checks. I go once a year. The doctor took a small dark flat mole off my backside, and included plenty of surrounding flesh just in case, so there would be good margins. Yuck. The scab is about the size of a pencil eraser. Rob's was bigger and on the back of his shoulder. He got a call today that there were cancerous cells, but all clear margins. I didn't get a call. My labs were sent to a different facility, but I'm not expecting a call. Do you see a dermatologist? We all should.
I'm snuggled up on my couch with a blanket. Mango is on my shoulder. I wish I had pie. I can't wait for Spring to come back.
Walked outside in town this morning!!🙂
☀️ ☀️
🎶 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross 🎶
Issac Watts
1. When I survey the wondrous cross
on which the...
1 hour ago