15 September 2008

My day, with pictures

So, I call the gym today and ask if the pool is open. Nope. I ask if they think it will open today. They say, hopefully sometime this week. Not good enough. I put on my suit, pack my bag and head out to Fairland Aquatic Center. I can either buy a $6 pass for the day or a $22 pass for 30 days. I choose the month. I learn a few things in the locker room: everyone has gray hair. They have rolling bags. You can't use your own locks and I don't have the 50 cents to lock the locker, but I'm told I can bring my bag into the pool area. I speak to the head swim manager on the floor. Ask about lane etiquette since I'm new. I put on my swim cap (for the first time) and my goggles. And I begin. I thought I'd swim half my usual amount since I'm out of shape, but it just feels too good and I do the mile. The water is perfect. There's flags overhead on either end so I know when I'm approaching the end of the lane. There's a zillion seniors in the place. There's a therapy pool, and a deep water aerobics pool. And a pool with many laps. And a huge hot tub. There's walls of windows. My pictures won't do it justice.

I spoke to the swim manager when I was done with my laps. She told me she had watched my form and that I was a gifted breast stroker. I was so happy and a little proud! She told me she leads a masters team and that I might be interested in joining. Maybe one day. I asked about the cleanliness of the hot tub, and was assured the water is cycled through every 15 minutes and its very, very clean. I took a dip but it was too hot for me. Everyone in it was very nice. Did I mention I was the youngest person there? And I'm not young. I showered, dressed, did my make-up and hair and left feeling just wonderful!

Next stop was to Happyone's house. I had called her in the morning to see if she'd like to go out to lunch at Ram's Head Tavern, in the historic mill by her house. It was perfect timing because she was available and ready for an outing. I had the fish tacos, the same dish I had when we went to the restaurant with Bonnie. They were superb. It's been a while since Karen and I have spent time together, and we agreed that we're grateful to be friends. Did I mention it was a perfect weather day too? We ate outdoors.

Here's a scene from her neighbor's yard. Lots of mens stuff. A clothes line is prohibited in my neighborhood, and I thought it was interesting, and revealing. Lots of underwear.

Blue Sky

I came home, opened windows, and was straightening up when my ex texted me, asking if I was coming to Emily's game, which had already started. I was thinking it was a home game that started at 5:00. Nope...away at 3:30. I got there right after half-time and the score was us 2 and them 0. And, Emily scored one of the goals. And I missed it. We lost 5-2. It was a great afternoon to be sitting in the shade watching a game. I was glad to be there.

Here's what I made for dinner: individual Boboli's. Mine was caramelized onions, fresh tomato, basil and feta with mozzarella and cheddar. Em's was the same cheese and Trader Joe's pineapple. Mine was exceptionally good. I commented I could eat one every day.

I went out after dinner to watch the hummingbirds. Can you see this one on the branch? It's one of his/her favorite spots. One of two.

The sky was just beautiful as the sun was setting:

And that was my day.


Jay said...

There's only one gym here in town that has a pool and they don't allow people to just swim. And they don't have a hot tub or sauna. We're deprived here.

TAG said...

A most excellent day to be on the right side of the grass. (But then what day isn't.)

Glad you had a good one.


Mary said...

And a wonderful day it was! (Something my Dad said a lot.) I wish we had a pool like this. I'd be there everyday. I'm so glad you had a good day.

jAMiE said...

What a day that was...i hope you enjoy tomorrow(today) just as much!

Moohaa said...

What a lovely day! It sounds like it was just plain good all around. And you a gifted swimmer. That's awesome! It's always nice to hear that you're good at something. I think we never grow beyond enjoy that.

The cloud formations in your sky pics are stunning. Really interesting!

Brad said...

Hello Sweets - Glad you had a chance to hang ut with Karen. Sounds like it was a great time. Wonderful pics! We have had more hummingbirds this year than I ever remember seeing. I love those little guys.

HappyK said...

I'll tell Jimmy is clothes line is now famous! :-)
Great seeing you my friend!!
Those sky pictures are fantastic. You should do a SkyWatch Friday.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

How nice to share your day (even if belatedly). I'm glad you enjoyed your swim.

Summer said...

I see your little miss hummingbird! We've had a lot this year too, and I don't have a feeder. They just like my flowers. Your day sounded perfect. Don't we all wish that all of them could be that special!

ThursdayNext said...

I miss the pool already this week -oh goodness that Boboli sounded so good!

marykay said...

What a nice place to swim, I would go just because I would be the youngest one there yahoo! The clothesline is great, I would love to do that, but I am way too lazy those clothes would still be there. What a wonderful day.

bonnie said...

You are amazing. Such a productive day. Now I'm mad. I joined the fancy gym just to use the pool and I pay $80 a month. Fairland is not so far from me that I couldn't have done that. Well, the fancy gym is nice, but you certainly got the better deal. I'm so impressed with your day.

heiresschild said...

those pics are fabulous. next time, you can fix me a veggie pizza with no cheese. yep, no cheese!

kristi said...

Love the photos...the underwear cracked me up!

kristi said...

Love the photos...the underwear cracked me up!

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