I'm at Border's. I've been here a while and have no plans to leave. If only I weren't so hungry. The silly thought of having Chinese delivered to Border's crossed my mind. I wonder if it's been done before? I'd never do it; I just thought how much I'd enjoy Pei Wei's Spicy with Shrimp. I think I'll order it before I leave.
I've been making cheesecakes. I made my Apple Almond Cheesecake yesterday morning to bring to my friends Cathy and Geoff's tonight. Rob and I were invited for dinner and I offered to bring the cheesecake, one of my favorites. Rob had to go to Philly to be with his son today. I called Cathy to let her know I'd be coming alone, with the cheesecake. She told me, in a very nice way, that she loved me, but wanted to reschedule because they were dying to meet Rob. So, there's that cheesecake. Yesterday morning I made a cheesecake that I'll be bringing to my book club meeting tomorrow. I hope that doesn't get canceled. Cheesecake, anyone?
I did a before and after haircut yesterday. I think I liked the before better.
I did my neighbor Natalie's hair today. She's 14 and I've known her since she came home from the hospital. For years she and Emily were next-door neighbor friends. Emily is 3 grades older, and the age and personality difference finally had them go their separate ways. For so many years Natalie was all 'tomboy'. She only wore baggy clothes, a lot of them boy clothes. She didn't care about her appearance at all. I've seen her grow and change so much over the years. She has such a unique sense of style now. She wears amazing contacts that make her brown eyes bright blue. Her make-up application is heavy but so artistically done. (Her mother wears no make-up at all.) She has a very edgy haircut (thanks to me). Today her mother finally allowed her to have her hair tinted black. She was one very happy and beautiful girl when she left my salon.
I chose the book for my book club. Into the Forest by Jean Hegland. I read it about 5 years ago and LOVED it. I read it this week (within 24 hours!) and loved it all over again. This link is an excerpt of the first chapter, if you'd like to get a taste of the book. Maybe I'll read it again in 5 years.
It's a rainy and gray day, but I don't mind. I was busy inside at work all day. I've been in Border's for 3 hours so far. I can't see outside, so it's sunny in my mind.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
10 hours ago
Do you ever get nervous cutting the hair of someone you know? I've had to draw blood and start IVs on people I know and it made me feel uncomfortable.
Summer's question is a good one..I never thought about it.
Yes, I'll take the cheesecake. Like I need it.
And yes, I was very happy on my birthday..thank you for wanting that for me.
Hugs, friend. :)
You could pass the cheesecake on my way. It's my absolute favorite :-)
Would love to see 'before' and 'after' photos.
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