My wonderful weekend get-away ended with very bad driving conditions for the ride home. We're talking white-knuckle. It poured the entire time. We're talking wipers on the fast setting. It was foggy. It was up and down mountains. With lots of trucks. It was no fun. The music was good. The new Norah Jones CD is awesome. We listened to the Beatles, Robin Thicke, Toby Keith, etc. Music was the bright spot of an awful drive.
I've had a very blah, blah, blah day. Very unlike me. I slept for 10 hours last night. That never happens. What was left of the morning flew by. Emily and I went to the Apple Store in Annapolis Mall for some issues she's been having with her iPhone. Then we went to The Cheesecake Factory. Why wasn't I smart enough to not order? I wasn't hungry. I ordered a small pizza appetizer. Emily ordered chicken quesadillas. We ate all the bread and butter that came in our basket. Emily doesn't like guacamole and there was a huge scoop of it on her plate. I ate my pizza and her guacamole, plus the bread. We both left there groaning. We came home and I had my pajamas back on by 3:00. I was so tired. I read a little, then took a nap on the couch. I never nap. Never. I slept till 5:00. Then I ate the candy I got from Candyland in Deep Creek. Those jelly kinds with sugar on them? I feel so bloated and yucky and SO not me. I caught up on blog reading. If I didn't leave a comment, know I read what you posted, OK? It was good to catch up with my friends. I think I'll get back to my book now. I'm looking forward to working tomorrow. Really. I like my routines. The bright spot of today? Knowing that tomorrow will be better.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
10 hours ago
It sounds as if even tho you had an enjoyable weekend it was not totally restful. Perhaps more activity than you are used to ;-)
I hope your tomorrow goes well and you sleep well tonight.
What a great trip. Sorry the ride home was a tough one.
I had a food day like that on Saturday. I can't believe I ate all that.
How did you do that slide show?
This is unlike you. Never fear, exuberance will bounce back quickly. It was a much needed.... slow down.
We all need a bad girl day once in awhile...although like you, when I do that, I don't enjoy it. Back to the grind for you today..that always helps put things into perspective. Happy Tuesday, friend. Hugs. :)
Eh, it was just the last day of your vacation - you were pretty much guaranteed to feel like that anyway. At least you got some good sleep - you must have needed it.
Hope your first day back is going well.
Hmmmm. Sounds like your body is recovering from the stress of the drive. Go with it. Emily must be on spring break?
Thanks for the offhand mentioning of the Norah Jones cd...I picked it up and it's great, just what I realize I've been in the mood for.
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