I think I'm almost ready. I've been methodically packing and gathering. We're going to be a crowded house at the beach. First Em was going, then not, then maybe, then not, and now, today, it was decided that she'd be coming and bringing a friend. Now Kelly's daughter is seeing if her friend can come. So, we went from being 4 to being a definite 6 and maybe 7. Can everyone say a little prayer for us? For everyone getting along? Getting everything in my car will be interesting. My mom has her motorized scooter. It takes up a lot of room. That means everyone has to pack extremely light. We have 4 beach chairs and an umbrella. And stuff. It will all fit, one way or another. Em was able to borrow 2 pairs of noise canceling headphones from her father so she and Leah can watch DVD's on my laptop in the car and Mom and I can listen to our audio books. I plan to buy a big bag of jelly beans from Walmart on my way. I'm an addict, I'll admit, and love eating them, especially on car trips. (Walmart sells a brand that must be made by Jelly Bellies, and it comes in a bag that's over a pound. It might last me the week.) I also drink lots of coffee. I like to drive, and it will feel like vacation the moment we get in the car. We'll go about 300 miles to Smithfield, NC where we'll spend the night. I'll be wearing my famous sun dress. Well, famous with my family and friends. It's my driving dress. Everyone expects to see me in it on long car trips. It's comfortable and easy. Not too attractive, but who cares when you're on the road? I got it from a Big Dog store many, many years ago. It's called the Big Dog Dress and here it is:
The emblem says 'I love my big dog'. Have I ever mentioned I don't like dogs? Don't hate. I'm not much of an animal lover, but I love my Big Dog dress.
Well, it's time to put this day to rest. I wish I could say I'd be sleeping till 8:00, but I'll probably be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow.
I don't think we'll have Internet access in our condo. That's going to be hard! I have the addresses of all the Starbucks and Panera's in town cause I'm probably going to visit them. I might not be able to read your blogs, but I'll try to post when I can. Till then...
Shoe shelf
Another too cold for walking morning so once again I was inside.
Nice that the sun came out though.
Seemed like a good day for baking so I made Black and W...
1 day ago