I think I might be too full to even write. Is that possible? I called Emily from Kit's to see if she wanted me to pick up steaks for dinner. You'd think it was the biggest treat by her enthusiastic reaction. YES! she said. When I saw the price at Safeway, I started thinking maybe we'd have hamburgers. So, I was just looking at all the meat and poultry. Sightseeing. All of a sudden I saw a small section of steaks that were marked down because today was the 'sell by' date. I picked up a NY Strip for Emily, her favorite, and a Rib eye for me. Emily has no idea they were marked down. Full price means nothing to her, you know. I grilled the steaks and they came out perfect. I made fresh green beans with garlic and they were perfect too. If I must say so myself. We had rice with dinner. Grilled potato wedges would have been Emily's choice but that would have made the dinner too labor intensive. Anyway, I am feeling kind of yucky. I don't remember the last time I ate meat, and it's just a little heavy. Plus I ate so much. It was, however, delicious. I'm paying for it now.
I went to my Mom's this morning. I finally got to meet Nicki, the aide that comes to the house 3X a week. She was very nice. Mom and I went out for a while. She sat in my car while I ran her errands.

She's still working on the same People magazine that she reads while she waits for me. I picked up a few dresses for Emily while I was out. This one might be it. Kind of fun, modest, and it fits. I went to Kit's after that. It was strange to see a hospital bed in the middle of her living room. It faces her bay window, and she's surrounded by everything she could need. There are flowers everywhere. I tried my best to be helpful and straighten up. Her nephew John came over to help her with some computer issues. It took a long time to get her wireless working so we didn't really get to spend time 'picking his brains' (what an expression). He did put an icon for Foxfire on my task bar, and put the document where I keep my passwords into a safe place. There were so many things I wanted to ask. I wish I knew someone to teach me stuff. Anyway, Kit's sister-in-law and niece came to visit while I was there. Kit was so happy to have the company. We got to talking about blogs. Celie couldn't believe people would want to read about my basement. I told her I don't only write about my basement, though I did for a while. I tried to describe the feeling of community there is amongst bloggers. I think you need to be one to understand. Finally I left Kit's to spend some time in my own home. And, here I am.
I have been reading your blog awhile. Got here from 4th Ave.
Great dress! It may be fun to pair it with some red shoes :)
Had I known you were going to have steaks and rice for dinner I would have invited myself over. I'm a great conversationalist, especially with a mouth full of rice. :)
I know exactly what you mean by the blogging community. It's hard to describe it to others. When I talk about you and Em, I mention my friend Cheryl and her daughter Emily. Funny, huh?
Tell Emily the dress is totally rockin' and I love the shoes she is wearing. I would go for a strappy black shoe instead of red.
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