I thought I'd start with these pictures of what my garden looks like right now. Dirt. This is the 'before' version. The unexpected nice weather we've had for the last few days got me motiviated and I'm ahead of the game. I'll put the compost down, then mulch, then wait. I'll post pictures of the garden as soon as things start blooming.
Amanda asked me what I've been reading. I usually have more than one book going at the same time. I'm listening to 'Nature Girl' by Carl Hiaasen. I love listening to audio books in my car. When I was a new mother I had no time to read. Audio books were my salvation and I'm totally hooked. I've listened to books that I'd probably never pick up. I even have favorite narrators. I'd highly recommend this medium. Some people buy their books but I get all my books from the library. At home, I'm reading cookbooks. I don't do much cooking, but I love reading cookbooks. I'm reading 'Best American Side Dishes' from the editor's of Cook's Illustrated magazine. They're the same ones that do the America's Test Kitchen show on public television. I've got a Rachael Ray cookbook waiting for me. I do love to cook, but don't have much opportunity because there's only Emily and me, and she's a picky eater. Last on my reading list is 'A Cup of Comfort for Mothers and Daughters'. It's a compilation of very, very short stories. I read them when I can't fall asleep or when I wake up in the middle of the night. I make myself turn on the light and read for at least a few minutes. It usually works.
Today was crazy busy at work. I love those kinds of days. I had a new client who was really nice. Very talkative and friendly. Interested. That kind of client puts me at ease. Usually it's the hairdressers working hard to do that for our clients. The day flew by. It was so nice to get off of work and have it still be light outside.
Blogger's been acting up on me tonight. I can't get the links, spellcheck or preview features to work. I better publish this before it does something like disappear. That would be a bad ending to an otherwise good day.
I can't wait to see what your garden looks like this summer. You are getting me excited about the yard at my new house. It is going to need a lot of work.
Dad keeps talking about putting in a vegetable garden in my backyard. I may have to break out my pressure cooker come fall.
I am a big fan of America's Test Kitchen on PBS. Just don't sign up for their online recipes though. They will email you a ton of spam and the telemarketing calls for their products will start in earnest. That made me angry when that happened and kind of sullied my relationship with them.
You are soo right about the audio books. I had an audio-book phase about 4 years back and I enjoyed it very much. I'm not reading much at the moment, because of some concentration issues, so an audio-book would be a great alternative. Thank for reminding me this. :)
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