Here's how you can tell the difference between a dog-lover and Me. A dog-lover wouldn't mind their pet smelling like a dog. It's a good thing Sparky's cute. I've bathed him twice in the last two weeks. Then I found out Westies shouldn't be bathed often because they're prone to dry skin and skin problems. I use a towel to wipe him down each time I take him out, and I brush him. He just smells like a dog. Not his fault. On the upside, I like going for walks with him. So far I haven't had to take him out in the rain, and it's not cold yet. Yes, I'm attached to him. I just wish he didn't smell.
I was looking over some old posts and saw I wrote about planting a zillion zinnia seedlings in the spring. It was wonderful having a large cutting garden on the far side of my house. I'm glad that's where it was because the bottoms of the plant got powdery mildew and dried out, but they kept producing beautiful flowers. Next spring I'm going to look through catalogs so I can find even more varieties. I'm also going to plant a second batch halfway through the summer. I just picked these today.
I thought I'd multi-task and include a picture of my new iPhone with the flowers. I got it on Friday. So excited! I got a cool red case for it today. I love new electronics! My nephew is selling my iPhone4 for me; I'm hoping to cover the cost of my new one. I know some people who get a new phone every year by selling their old ones on Craigslist. That could be me next year. I'm still loving my iPad. I use it all the time. About the only time I use my laptop is to write my blog. And as you know that's hardly ever.
Till the next time...
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
10 hours ago
Dogs have a way of worming themselves into your heart. I was a cat person for over 40 years. My kids got dogs - now my 2 cats share my heart with 3 other dogs - just like those dogs belonged to me. It sure is crowded in my heart now. :-)
Cheryl, Sparky looks adorable. Yes, they are a cute breed. Riley is our Westie and is the nucleus of our family. One of the first things we do when anyone of us gets home is find out where Riley is. He's always so happy to greet us. Believe me, none of the humans in our house is as happy to see each other as Riley is to see us. The "up, down, all around" wagging of the tale tells us he is "over the moon" to see us. What a nice feeling afte a long day at work and long commute. He adores us and we adore him. Yes, dogs do smell. He just got a good bath yesterday and we know he's as happy as we are that he's clean. We get him groomed about every 4-6 weeks. They do have a tendency to want to roll around in something dead, like rotten tomatoes from the garden. So you can imagine when we get home and Riley is happily laying on the bed covered in dried tomato yuck. We have a doggy door that he uses so we don't have to get up in the night to let him out. He runs free but does not have accidents. He's a great dog, very loving. We did take him to some training classes at PetSmart when we first got home. He still wants to drag us when he goes for a walk; he loves being outside and smelling everything. That's the biggest treat for any dog is to let them smell everything. But he's obedient, will sit and lay down for his treats and chews. With time Sparky will get better but it sounds like you've made great progress with your dog whisperere. Isn't it funny that the adults have to be trained on how to deal with the dog? The unconditional love, to me, is so worth it. I grew up having dogs all my life. This was a companion for Kevin when he was 12 years old since he walked himself to school and would not be alone in the mornings. Win-win. Karen
My dogs have never smelled like dogs - only when they got wet. But I've had short haired dogs and brushed them every day.
I would miss my nice big screen on my home computer.
See you Wednesday. Time for a hair dye and trim already!!
hey stranger -- you sound good. long time no 'see'. it was really good to see you the other day -- new gadgets can be the bomb diggity -- but boy they can be a pain too.
the pup is so cute -- and yeh -- they can smell .. but we all have our faults -- right?
have a happy day in your world C -- :))
So glad to see you posting again!
What a cute little doggie! Enjoy!
Happy to see you are back to blogging! I love reading your posts!
Yeah! U r back!!
just wanted to say hello -- hello :))
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