28 February 2007
26 February 2007
Well, I'm off to the high school to attend a public hearing about redistricting. I wonder what that will be like? Hopefully no one will be able to smell all the garlic on me! I won't have time to add to this later, so I'll just send it off now. It's been a busy day.
25 February 2007
I don't think I've ever posted 3 times in a day. Since today is so out of the ordinary, what with the weather and staying in all day, I thought I'd just keep going. I left the house for a short time to shovel my neighbor's driveway and walkways. She would have done the same for me, and I needed to get out of the house. The snow was really heavy and I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. I hung out in my bedroom for most of the day. I watched the latest episode of 'What About Brian' on my laptop. I love that show. I think it's great that I don't have to set my VCR to record anymore. Most of what I like to watch can be found online after it airs. Also, there's something I find appealing about watching the show up close and personal...as in on my lap. The laptop coolpad I have works very well.
So, lazy day. I even took a bath. Read a book. Didn't really eat a meal. My plan for tonight? Watch the Academy Awards till the end. Tomorrow I'll get something done.

I spent too much time trying to make a South Park Me like Amanda did on her site. OK, I'll admit it. It looks just like me but without the glasses.

24 February 2007

I headed to the Nautilus Diner at 5:00 to meet Kit for dinner. She was there with a high school friend's mother. Marybeth, the friend, is living and teaching school in Kiev for a year. Check out her blog if you get a chance. We took this picture so she could see it. We had a lot to talk about, and didn't stop for a moment. Kit is intent on eating healthy so she had poached salmon and veggies. I was carefree and had a shrimp salad melt with french fries. It was good, but really, too many calories. I should have had salad and a dessert. I've always wanted dessert there. I'm always too full. By the time we left, the line to get in was well out the door.
I hung out on the couch tonight, mostly reading the newspapers that have been accumulating. I read almost a week's worth. I hate how long it took, but hate to throw away unread papers. Reading the newspaper shouldn't be a chore, but that's what it's become. I need to figure out what to do about my subscription. I know a lot of people read the news online; that might be the way to go. The good thing about hanging out and reading was that Emily was sitting beside me the whole time. She was on the laptop, but we were together.
Well, it's time to turn in and rest up for a new day.
23 February 2007
I didn't get much sleep last night. It was so windy that the noise of it kept me up. I tried ear plugs, put the pillow over my head, turned my fan on high. Nothing covered up the noise. It was amazing. I worried that a tree might fall on the house. It didn't. This would be a totally different post if it did! I think I'll just settle in early tonight. Do some writing in my journal (Remember that mother/daughter journal? Emily never contributed anything after the first day). I start work at 8 AM. That comes early enough. I can't believe tomorrow is Saturday already. I'll look forward to getting off of work and having my latte.
I've been rambling, and it's time to go.
22 February 2007
Yes, I'm guilty of of writing that title to get some attention. My drug is caffeine. I'm off today and am on my second cup of coffee. Drinking it makes me feel like I want to do a million things at once. The first thing I'm going to do is write this post.
I got a forwarded e-mail yesterday, this one titled 'cell phone tricks.' The person who sent it said she hadn't tried any of the 'tricks' yet. I never forward anything without running it by the Urban Legends website first. I've been guilty of forwarding things that turned out to be untrue before, and learned my lesson. So, I was intrigued by the cell phone tricks, and tried them out for myself. Turns out to be something I would forward. I'm pasting them here because I think it's worth passing on.
Cell Phone Tricks
1. The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.
I tried this and had to apologize to the operator because it did connect me with the emergency service. I did not try it with the keypad locked.
2. If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call
someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell
phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press
the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
I tried it this morning. Emily called me from the bus stop which was out of range for the remote. We were able to unlock and lock my car. I think this is priceless!
3. Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time.
I didn't try this one. My battery is not low.
4. How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 # The 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. If your phone gets stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either.
I know that entering the code will display the serial number, but don't know if the rest is true.
5. Instead of calling 411 and being charged for information, use (800) FREE-411, or (800) 373-3411 without incurring any charge at all.
This does work.
Anyone else find these tips to be intriguing? With that said, it's time for me to get up and going. There's only so many hours in the day.
21 February 2007
BTW, does anyone know anything interesting to do in Charlotte, NC? I'll be visiting there in a few weeks.
20 February 2007
Seems I keep running into new words. I came upon this one, one-off twice in the latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Is this a new one to anyone else?
18 February 2007
Mine was low key. I was home alone last night. It was a long night and very quiet. Had I remembered Emily was spending the night at a friend's house, I would have made plans. I watched a movie, something I never do. Notting Hill. I liked the music more than I liked the movie. It was actually the first time I've seen a Hugh Grant movie. I had a pretty unappetizing Smart Ones frozen dinner. I read my book. Read my blogs. Tried to upload a picture into my header, but blogger would not cooperate. IM'd with a friend for a while. Watched a repeat of Saturday Night Live. All in all = boring. Fortunately that doesn't happen very often. Thank goodness. Did I say I wished there were more hours in a day? There were too many in yesterday's
I went to visit my parents today. The first thing I noticed was that their garage door opener wasn't working. They had to open it manually when they lost their power, and couldn't get the chain to hook up to the latch, or however it is that it works. I asked my Dad if he knew how to fix it. He had no clue. I couldn't get the door to work either. This will probably mean that they'll have to pay someone to do this simple job. I think that's too bad. It would take someone in the know 2 minutes to fix it. Anyway, I cut and colored my Mom's hair and then blew it dry. She looked so much better. We went out to lunch at an Italian place, 3 Brothers. It was great. I called Emily to ask if she wanted me to bring her something home for lunch. I told her the stuffed shells with meatballs was delicious. She asked, are you at 3 Brothers by Grandma and Grandpa's? I want the hot dog and fries. I told her I wanted her to have a real meal, but she said, I love those fries. So, I ordered her the kid's hot dog and fries. I brought my Mom home, then headed back to my house. When Emily saw the small hot dog and little portion of fries, she was really surprised. She said, I can't believe this is all the fries there is. They usually serve them in a bag. Then I got it. She thought I was eating at 5 Brothers, which is in the same shopping center. They're known for their awesome fries, hot dogs and hamburgers. It was pretty funny.
Emily wanted to buy a CD with one of her gift cards. She pleaded her case for me to take her to the mall. The store, FYE, is huge. The Cd's were expensive. Sale prices were $14.99. Regular prices were $18.99 - $23.99. I told her I couldn't believe the place was so crowded with the prices being so high. She told me not everyone cares about price. I guess that put me in my place, huh?
I'm reading a Western, 'No Country for Old Men' by Cormac McCarthy. It takes place in Texas and northern Mexico. The terrain is something that I'm totally unfamiliar with. I find myself looking up words like scabrock, bajada, caldera, datilla, and phrases like running borderlands, a long talus of lava scree, candelilla and scrub catclaw, etc. Thank goodness for Google images. Being that I don't watch many movies, I'm really unfamiliar with the western landscape. Well, that's not quite true. I did go cross-country, and traveled through the western states, but am not familiar with the words that describe the geographical features. It's been hard to read this book and not be able to visualize the scenery. I can now. The books's really good, btw.
Okay, I think I've rambled a bit too much. How was your weekend?
16 February 2007
14 February 2007
I'm sure that's because I don't have a valentine. I hope that those of you who do celebrated in a way that made you happy.

Things here in Maryland got shut down today from the weather we got yesterday and last night. I feel bad for all the people who had Valentine's Day plans and the businesses that were hurt by the weather. We got a winter mix of sleet, freezing rain and snow. My salon was closed, as was school. My parents, sister and brother have been without electricity for the last 14 hours. The wind is really howling outside and I fear that we'll lose power here. Please, no. So it was an out-of-sorts kind of day for me. I had an omelet and english muffin for breakfast. I guess I can't say I have oatmeal every single day anymore. I do like it better. Emily had chocolate chip pancakes instead of her half asiago cheese bagel. We did some cleaning. She wanted to exercise, so I asked her to shovel. She did it! It was a big job because the snow was so wet and heavy. She went sledding afterwards, on the ice. I ventured out to feed the birds (squirrels too) and salt the driveway. I watched two episodes of What About Brian on my laptop. It's a great way to watch TV because it's high def. I scrubbed the fiberglass floor of my shower. I don't think it will ever come clean. I took out some silicone caulk from my shower. I was sorry I ever started on that. I sprayed the shower door with WD-40. I read it cleans soap scum. I'll find out when I take a shower tomorrow. I made that cracker dessert again to bring into work. It's just been a day of this and that. This post is not very exciting, huh? That's OK...my life isn't either, at least not today. I think I'll work on that tabblo.
13 February 2007
I started this blog in earnest last August. I've never stuck with a journaling project before, but this must be the thing for me, because this is my .........
With that said, I put together a list of 100 to mark this occasion. With no further ado, here's a bunch of stuff about ME
1. I have curly hair
2. I love jelly beans
3. I love candy corn
4. I love summer
5. I wish I had more of a social life
6. I almost never watch movies
7. I hate the sound of sports on TV
8. I hate cleaning mini blinds
9. I’m very conscientious
10. I don’t like talking on the phone
11. I’m a middle sister
12. I was born in Brooklyn, NY
13. I wish I made more money
14. I love taking pictures
15. I’d love to have Photoshop, but don’t think I could figure it out
16. I love to read blogs
17. I wish there were more hours in the day
18. I’m bad about keeping in touch with friends
19. I caused the death of my bird
20. I don’t like dogs or cats
21. I keep books and magazines on the empty side of my bed
22. I love my house
23. I want but don’t need an iPod video
24. I’m 5’7”& 140 pounds
25. I loved college
26. I want to have red hair
27. I like to drive
28. I miss John Denver
29. I don’t exercise
30. I've made all my curtains
31. I eat the same thing for breakfast every day
32. I eat the same thing for lunch every workday
33. I love caffeine
34. I like to grocery shop
35. I'm an optimistic person
36. I rarely sit down
37. My best friend committed suicide
38. I wish I could sing
39. I love learning
40. I like to camp
41. I wish I had more friends
42. I can keep a secret
43. I always wanted to be a mother
44. Its hard to be a mother
45. I’ve had surgery
46. I love my job
47. I hate to clothes shop
48. I don't like cleaning floors
49. I’m honest
50. I don’t want to be this age
51. I’m afraid to fly
52. I never balance my checkbook
53. I wear make up every day
54. I love having a laptop
55. I want a Kitchen Aid mixer but don’t need one
56. All my closets are messy
57. I’d go out with John Mayer
58. I love getting comments
59. I worry about cancer
60. I wish my GA sister lived closer
70. I love Edisto Island
71. I wore overalls and construction boots in college
72. I love Spanish moss
73. I read the newspaper every day
74. I sometimes wish I lived in a small rural town
75. I love the beach
76. I’m friends with my neighbor
77. I make my own cards
78. I love to entertain
79. I love decorating for Christmas
80. Besides my grandparents, none of my relatives have died
81. I love going to Border’s
82. I love getting together with family
83. I always use my turn signals
84. I love the movies but rarely go
85. I never let my daughter get soda when we eat out
86. I love a bargain
87. I listen to audio books in my car
88. I used to love gardening
89. I need to drink more water
90. I want a HDTV
91. I’m impatient in traffic
92. I love being single
93. I don’t talk to my brother enough
94. I’m a big Mary Engelbreit fan
95. I love ice cream
96. I love music
97. I wish I was funny
98. I use Google everyday
99. I sleep less on weekends than on workdays
100. I love to blog, of course
12 February 2007
Here's a picture of the dessert I made yesterday. I think I'll make another batch to bring to work.

I called and spoke to a manager at J.C.Penney this morning. I told her about our trip to the mall yesterday and our plan to shop at American Eagle. I relayed how excited we were when we saw the great clothes and prices in Penny's Juniors department. I described what we bought. I also told her about our check-out experience--the lack of eye contact and no thank you from the sales clerk. Then I told her about the frayed tank top and the security tag that was left on the Valentine's Day tee shirt. She was very nice and understanding. She gave me her name and told me to see her this afternoon when I come back to the store.
I think (know) I'm procrastinating now. Time to go back to my chores.
11 February 2007
I'll start here > I didn't spend much time working on the house today but I did clear out a new area. I've saved fabric from anything I've ever sewed and it's taken up two large boxes. It was a heaping mess. I asked a client who is a FACS teacher (Family and Consumer Sciences-formally known as Home Ec) if she could use any fabric. She told me her class sews pillows for the homeless and could use all the fabric I could donate. I now have a tidy box of folded fabric for her, and an empty space in the basement.
I would have spent more time down 'there' but had promised to take Emily to the mall. She wanted a Valentine's shirt and had earned a 40% off day at her favorite store, American Eagle. We parked by Penny's and entered into the Junior department. We never shop there, and were surprised to find clothes that Emily loved. She found the perfect VD shirt, and other things that were well priced. We went to AE and Emily got a bunch of clothes. I think the store is so overpriced, but it's the brand the kids want. She used gift cards to pay for her purchases there. We went to the Apple store and took pictures.

I did a little food shopping at Trader Joe's, then headed home. I left soon after to pick up my friend Kit and head to our book club meeting. There were 12 of us there, and it was a gabfest! I'm telling you, we were loud. It had been about 6 weeks since we'd been together, and there was a lot of catching up to do. What could be better? A group of women who are so happy to be in each other's company and plate after plate of mouth-watering food. Did I mention wine and chocolate? I think we covered all the food groups. We did discuss the book, Saving Graces, and most everyone loved it. We chose our next book and will meet again in April.
Emily just came into my room to show me the fraying hem on one of the shirts from Penny's. No problem, we'll take it back sometime. I was not happy when she returned a few minutes later to show me the security ink tag they left on her Valentine's shirt. You know, one of those big round hard to miss plastic things? That really makes me mad. It means we'll have to go back to the mall tomorrow. Not what I had planned on.
I've spent the night watching the Grammy's. I love watching all the live performances. I'm glad The Dixie Chicks won so many awards. They deserved the recognition.
So, that's it for my day. I'm off tomorrow and am glad about that!
10 February 2007
I usually have so much energy on Saturday nights. I've spent much of the last seven hours sitting on the couch. Not just sitting, of course. I did some work on the computer. I've read a few days worth of newspapers. I made the dessert for my book club. And took the caulk out of the tub that I caulked a few weeks ago. Mostly, though, I've been on the couch. I've had a lot on my mind. I have a big decision to make, and it's weighing me down. It looks almost certain that redistricting of our community to a different high school will occur in time for the 2007/2008 school year, Emily's first in high school. I had an inkling last year that this was a possibility, and knew it would be voted on in April. I was told that even if it was decided, it would not be implemented for at least a year and then they would most likely grandfather the kids into the schools they were already enrolled in. I breathed a big sigh of relief. Well, it seems certain now that we will have to go to this other school next year, and it's a terrible school. Here's the thing: I don't want Emily going to that school, it's not even a possibility that I'll let her. That will mean I'll either have to move, or send Emily to private school. I absolutely don't want to move, and I have no support from my ex or from Emily for her to go to private school. I have made a few decisions. I'm calling the private school on Monday to see if I can come to the school to see it and see if they have a program where Emily could 'shadow' at the school for a day. She may find out she loves it. I may find out she can't go there. Who knows? But it will be better to do something than to just think about it. I'll also find out what communities feed into the different schools in the county I work in and take a look at the houses out there. I may find I love something as much as I love my home. I've just been worrying about all of this, and getting depressed.
What can I say that's on a brighter note? Hmmm. I brought my chili into work today. A few years ago a neighbor was hosting a chili cook-off. I Googled 'award-winning chili recipes' and found this recipe. I won the cook-off with it. Everyone at work loved it. The dessert I made for tomorrow is very interesting and wonderful. You line a cookie sheet that has sides with saltines, making sure they touch all sides. Melt 2 sticks of butter with a cup of sugar and boil it for 5 minutes, stirring. Pour it over the saltines and spread to edges, then bake at 350 for about 15 minutes or until it's toffee brown color. Take it out of the oven and sprinkle a bag of milk chocolate chips over it. Let set for 5 minutes then spread the melted chocolate. Refrigerate and break into pieces. I hadn't planned on including recipes on this blog, but this is wonderful stuff. I had it at a friend's recently, and have a niece that makes it often. There's many versions of this recipe on the internet. I just got up to try a piece to make sure it turned out as good as I remembered. It definitely did! On that note, a much better one than this post started out with, I'll say good-bye.
08 February 2007
It seems like forever since I've written. Was it just two days ago? Yesterday didn't really count; it was just a quickie. I can't start out talking about the first part of my day because this is a public blog and my daughter reads it. Suffice it to say that I was madder at her than I've been in a long time. My frustration lasted for hours. I had little patience with my mother, drivers, shoppers, etc... I got over it at about 1:00. I'm fine now.
I went and picked up my Mom this morning. She had an appointment with her dentist, an older man who looks like he's led a rough life. He shows absolutely no emotion or hint of his real personality. My mother doesn't like going to him but his practice is one of the few places that take her union dental insurance. Oh well. The waiting room is tiny, probably 6 X 8 and lined with chairs. The person sitting by the door has to squish sideways every time the door opens. I know because I've been stuck in that chair before. I finished reading my book club book while waiting. Yeah! The meeting is on Sunday. Anyway, I suggested we go to Walmart afterwards. My mother just loves that store. I like to go on a weekday, with her, when we can just browse the isles. My Mom has to use one of the motorized scooters, and I spend half my time looking for her. I can't blame her for going where she wants. Being in a scooter gives her freedom, something she otherwise lacks. I've learned from her what it's like to be handicapped. Sort of. I wound up spending $67 on assorted 'stuff'. Cleaning stuff, lots of different caulks, window insulation, etc. Things I really do need. Afterwards we went to a favorite Chinese buffet. It's $5.95 and the food is fresh and very delicious. I finished way before my Mom, as usual. She only has the use of one hand, and it's painstaking to watch her try to cajole little pieces of food onto her fork. I had my patience back by then, and told her I can't imagine how hard it must be not to have the use of her right hand. I jokingly told her that for now on I would only get her big food. She has me well trained at the buffets. I know what she likes in each one of them and I always get her food for her. We went back to her house afterwards, and got her settled in to watch her favorite soap, Passions. Too steamy for me! I went home and cooked a pot of white chicken chili. I want to bring it in to the shop for lunch on Saturday.
I'll write a little about my Mom. She had always been the mover and shaker in the family. Growing up, she worked as a cashier in grocery stores. She always worked the 'speed booth'--20 or less items, because she was so fast. She started working long before the advent of bar codes when every item had to be rung up by hand. In the house, she did it all. She cooked, was the disiplinarian, kept the house spotless, did the finances, mowed the lawn, shoveled the snow, etc. That's just how it was in our house. My Mom was from Brooklyn, NY, and was fast talking and always on the go. She was known for always speaking her mind. It was hard when she and my dad retired. She couldn't stand that all he did was sit at the kitchen table. Every time she was in there, there he was. She planned to get a part-time job at Kohl's Department store. One August day, 6 years ago when she was 68, she was supposed to come pick Emily and I up to go to Atlantic City. My Dad had ridden there the day before with a friend, and we were going to meet him and spend 2 nights. My mother was late. It took a while before I started thinking the worst. My mother had never been late in her life. To make a long story shorter, I alerted her neighbor who broke into the house. She found my mother on the floor of her tiny bathroom. She had suffered a major stroke and had been trying to get up for hours. She had taken a shower, the bathroom door was closed, and she had been trapped. The force of her fall was enough to bend all the metal knobs on the vanity drawers. She had been trying for hours to stand up. She knew something had happened, but didn't know what. She never lost consciousness. I got to the house right before the ambulance. It was all very surreal. If we hadn't had plans to go to Atlantic City, my mother could have been in that bathroom for days. She was hospitalized for weeks, and spent many weeks in a rehab hospital. She spent years in therapy, but the only real progress she made was in the first year. She went from being a fiercely independent woman who did it all, to one who is mostly dependent on others. Whoever said life isn't fair had it right. I'll write more about my Mom another time.
To change the subject completely, my nephew Ryan said he was inspired by me to start his own blog. If you get a chance, stop by for a visit.
07 February 2007
05 February 2007
The basement is slowly shaping up. I finally got realistic about what I think I could actually sell, and now have a very large 'donate' area. I think I'll wait till the weather isn't so brutally cold, and bring all that 'stuff' to a donation center. It was interesting (to me anyhow) to go through all the gifts I've bought, for one reason or another, and not given. I didn't even know I had half the stuff I found. Time to start giving things away. One task I accomplished, that was so long overdue, was to go through my recipes. Every time I have to find a recipe, I wind up looking through the same bulging binder full of untried, unused recipes. A majority of them found their way to the recycle bin today. I had to be realistic about what I would actually ever use.
I did spend time watching the birds that visited my deck, the feeders, and the birdbath that's attached to the deck railing. I've gotten so much pleasure out of that birdbath. It's heated and the birds use it all year-round. It was only in the teens here today with a fierce wind. At one point I looked outside to see a wave of water spraying out of the bath by a gust of wind. I refilled it and after a while saw icicles formed along the bath's edge. The weather didn't stop the birds from bathing. Sometimes three or four of them would be in there at a time. It was one popular house for the birds as I also put out a box of crushed corn flakes that had expired. The only ones who didn't make much of an appearance were the squirrels. They think I put seed in the feeders for their pleasure and can empty one in a day.
All in all = a very good day.
04 February 2007
03 February 2007

I got home a few hours earlier than usual. Emily had just gotten home from an overnight/up all night outing with her youth group. She's been sleeping for the last 3 hours. I tried to wake her once, but she didn't want to get up. If she sleeps too long I'm afraid she won't sleep tonight. I'll try again soon.
I spent about an hour working on the basement today. I brought one bag of trash out and filled up one recycling bin. I need to start separating the things I want to donate from the things I'd like to sell. I'm accumulating a big area of 'stuff', and it's starting to take over. I'm going to be brave here and show you what my basement looks like. Be warned, it's not a pretty sight...
Well, Emily's up. It took her a while to acclimate but she's eating and ready to watch a movie with me. Gotta go do that Mom thing.
02 February 2007
Any other coupon clippers out there?
01 February 2007
Emily and I sold something else on Craigslist today. We've made $42 so far. I don't think we'll get rich, but it is fun.
Time for a little TV...
The Girl With the Curl
About Me
- Cheryl
- I have the perfect job for me. I choose to be a happy person. I have a 23 year old daughter, a mostly local family and some great friends. I live in a sun-filled home that I love. I love to learn. I'm easy to please. I'm not always what I seem.
I Wonder What's In Here?
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A Ram and Geese - 30 degrees this morning and windy with snow showers on and off during my walk. Sunrise 6:41 Morning Walk Steps 11,451 Walked through town making some side ...4 hours ago
Hello world! - Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!3 weeks ago
A Brief Message for January 20, 2025 - * “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” * MLK Some of us are facing this day...1 month ago
Amici I've Never Met - Several years ago my two brothers and I decided we were going to learn Italian. (We grew up in an Italian family, and our maternal grandmother lived with u...3 months ago
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman - This Saturday is a brand new episode of “Home Sweet Home” on Food Network. My kids are helping me shoot it, my production company in the UK is editing it t...4 years ago
Healthy Living as a Type 1 Diabetic: Tandem X2 Insulin Pump & Dexcom G6 CGM - *New Podcasts: * Healthy Living Diabetes: Tandem X2 Insulin Pump & Dexcom G6 CGM *30 minute podcast click here * 60 minute podcast click here Anyone who ha...5 years ago
Meg and Other Matters - Meg, Alex’s lifelong friend, got married Saturday! She’s Hyacinth’s daughter, and while it’s a little surreal that she is now a married woman, she found pr...5 years ago
Whatever It Takes - Have you ever been in a position of having someone--a spouse, significant other, someone very close to you--ask you a major, "What if..." question? I was h...5 years ago
Moving to a New Location - This year I will be blogging at: http://josietwoshoes.wordpress.com Please come and visit me there! :-)7 years ago
How Would You Feel? - My life as a beadmaker continues. I've been making beads since 2001 and during that time I've seen beads go for crazy high prices and crazy low prices. I...7 years ago
Back again - I miss my blogging friends. I have become addicted to Facebook and Twitter and it steals all of my time. The only blogs I usually read now are by bloggers...7 years ago
A quick update--- - I am still in the hospital, and I have to tell you --- my pain this time is so, SO much worse than ever before. I understand it is because he took out two ...7 years ago
The Watchers - A few years back I asked my grandmother what her earliest memory was. She thought for a moment and told me that the most vivid memory she has from early c...9 years ago
How I started the new year..... - A few days after January 1, I hurt my foot. I thought perhaps I had stepped on it wrong and sprained it. I knew I had a doctor's appointment coming up so...9 years ago
RIP Mom, I love you - July 8, 2015, my brother called to tell me my mother had passed away. I don't want to go into the details. It's been hard. I have a lot of guilt. I used Na...9 years ago
Diagnosis Today! - Well, my father just called and we are leaving at 11:30am to head to the doctor. sniff sniff. At least we will eat a good lunch somewhere. That gives m...9 years ago
Resisting - To quote a CBSnews.com article, "Flowers are blossoming. Bees are buzzing. The sky is blue. Sunsets have been stunning. Temperatures have crept north ...10 years ago
Author's Website - My new author's website and blog is live. You can find it here. Among other things, on the books page it has a synopsis of my soon-to-be-published book *Th...11 years ago
I Love Photography! by The Pioneer Woman - A short time after I started my blog in 2006, I got a “big girl camera” and began learning about photography. My learning approach was to take thousands an...12 years ago
Another Week Gone - *Earlier today I did manage to change my header pic to one from the Opryland Hotel Atrium in Nashville, TN. Harry and I enjoyed our time at the Ryman and ...13 years ago
HOPE CHEST - *I was recently asked a question by BlogHer:* *"How do I plan to create Happiness for myself in 2012?" Tough question if you ask me..** *(oh before ...13 years ago
Wow...I almost forgot about my blog! - The best intentions sometimes fall by the wayside once spring and summer get here. And what with addictive games and contacts on Facebook, my blog has suff...13 years ago
His name is "Stay!" - I'm lucky enough to get a call every so often from the Endress+Hauser Corporation to make something out of their spare parts. They give me full creative...14 years ago
Blog Archive
- Are your mornings about leisure and then rush? Tha...
- I stayed on task today and stayed busy. School was...
- Why not one more?I don't think I've ever posted 3 ...
- It's been a steady snow for about the last 4 hours...
- Just a quick chronicle of my morning. Woke up earl...
- Yeah...today was Saturday. Like that's news. But i...
- I did something out of my ordinary this week. I we...
- I'm on drugs.Yes, I'm guilty of of writing that ti...
- I'm probably like a lot of bloggers. You want to w...
- Just time for a quickie...Seems I keep running int...
- How was your weekend?Mine was low key. I was home ...
- I drive to Augusta, GA every year to visit my sist...
- Today didn't feel like Valentine's Day I'm sure th...
- Something Unusual Besides This PictureI started th...
- The trip to Penny's was successful. The manager wa...
- I just called Salvation Army and they're coming on...
- Sometimes I struggle with what to write. What can ...
- First this, then that.I usually have so much energ...
- Yesterday Didn't Really CountIt seems like forever...
- It's 18 degrees outside...not as cold as it's been...
- It was a busy day at home. I'd love to find out wh...
- I thought I'd share my pictures from today. Make a...
- I didn't get a good night's sleep, waking up befor...
- It's been an unusual Saturday. I only worked a hal...
- Mundane thoughts: something about coupons. I come ...
- It was a busy day for a day off. I spent some time...