I've been watching Soapnet for the last 2 hours. I turned on the TV, and lo and behold, there was my old soap opera, The Young and the Restless. I haven't watched it for years, but I used to be totally addicted to it. I got hooked on the show as a college freshman. I arranged my classes around it. I continued to watch it, taping all the episodes, year after year. I was sure Emily's first song would be the theme song from The Y&R. Eventually, I couldn't keep up with it and let it go. One of my clients, that I see very infrequently, watches it daily, and she tells me what's going on. Seeing it tonight? A walk down memory lane.
It was a lazy afternoon and evening after an endless day at work. I read a special issue of Time magazine while I sat at Border's, sipping my cinnamon latte. When I got home I used a wheel barrow to transfer about 9 bags of mulch from a neighbor's back yard to a place under my deck. She has about 20 bags that she no longer wants, and is very happy that I'll haul it away. This is the good black mulch that I've talked about before. I'll finish the rest of the job tomorrow. That's the extent of what I got done. I visited another neighbor for a while. Ate dinner. Sat outside till dark. Read blogs. Watched TV. Did I say I ate ice cream? My newest favorite is Turkey Hill's Southern Lemon Pie. After that, I ate a 5oz. Symphony creamy milk chocolate bar with almonds and toffee chips. It was delicious but I'm going to guess it had least 500 calories and I'm sorry I ate it. *sigh*
Well, it's after midnight. Time to put this day to rest.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
11 hours ago