I thought I'd post some pictures from my garden. The nice weather we had this week has brought the sleeping perennials and spring flowers to life. The irises are tiny...only a few inches high. The phlox should bloom any time now. The daffodils are tiny, yet beautiful. The day should be dry tomorrow and I'll get back to spreading more dirt and compost. My car has been loaded down with the weight of it all since yesterday. I'm glad I have these outdoor projects. The indoor stuff will be neglected, but that's OK.
Work was so busy today. It went by in a blur. All of my clients were a little early, and I was ahead of schedule all day. That's almost unheard of. My last client cancelled, which was perfect. I got an early start at Border's. I changed my drink and had a caramel mocha. A medium one. With an extra shot. I read Consumer Reports and PC World. Seats were at a premium, and I held onto mine for a while. After a quick stop at the library, I made my way home. I took a walk around my yard to see if the topsoil I put down on the hill that is my side yard held up through the rain. It did. Then I took the pictures.
My neighbors and I went to a favorite local spot for dinner...Pachanga Grill. It has the best Mexican food around. It's rare to find Mexican food that's not from a chain restaurant. I had steak quesidillas. Yum. It's not one of her favorite places to eat, so Emily stayed home. My neighbors came over afterwards to help me set up an eBay seller account. I figured I'd try to sell some of the stuff from my basement. I placed an ad for a Pampered Chef ice shaver. It was something I'd hardly used, and a lot of people like Pampered Chef stuff. I went on eBay to see if anyone else was selling the same thing. I was shocked to see that there were 31 ads for it. Funny. I didn't like mine and hardly ever used it. I guess no one liked theirs either. I don't have high hopes that it will sell, but you never know.
Ahhh... spring!
Oh I'm so jealous. I do what I can with my balcony, but nothing beats having a garden. Glad work went well for you, it's sucks more when things are slow.
I'm enjoying spring this year. It was in the high 70's today. I think it's going to be hot Summer here in Louisville. Your garden is looking good.
Wow, that sounds like an awesome day! Lovely pictures!
I hope you'll have a great Sunday too. :)
Thanks for sharing your photos from your garden. I hope you had a good Saturday. Thanks for stopping by the beantown caffe. I'm always glad to have new customers stop in for a cup of their favorite coffee,tea or whatever it is that makes you smile and say ahhhhh life is good!!
what is an ice shaver?
Pachanga Grill...
That place is THE BEST. One of these days, we'll get over there, and to that Diner.
We have found that Applebee's is VERY baby friendly so far. We get a table very quickly, are served equally as fast, and usually get out of there within 60 minutes.
Charlotte does GREAT there and she's learning quickly how to "behave" when she's out at a restaurant. I think she likes the scenary!
How funny - that's the second time this month I've heard someone mention Pachanga and their great food. I'd never heard of them before - I guess we'll have to go there soon. Maybe Emily could babysit! :) We could go after baby went to bed.
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