Another weekend is almost over. Rob was here and we had a great time together. Pool time, hammock time, etc. We won't see each other for a few weeks because I'm going on vacation. That's going to be hard! Vacation. Yes! My mom won't be coming this year. Everyone agreed it was just too much. Maybe next year? It will be my sister Ilene and me, three teenage boys and one teenage girl. I'm hoping it will be wonderful. The kids range from newly 16 to almost 18. My nephew is bringing a friend and Emily is bringing her boyfriend. Can you imagine all the food they'll be eating? We'll be staying at the same place we've been going to for the last 4 or 5 years. Beachfront with an indoor and outdoor pool. We'll do our to Smithfield, NC on Friday and stay the night at a hotel. The hotel is part of a huge outlet center with lots of restaurants and stores to look in. I'm not a shopper, but I like the liveliness of the area. The hotel has an outdoor pool. It will be a fun way to start our adventure and a reprieve from the driving. We sometimes drive straight through on the way home. We'll decide that later.
I have a doctor's appointment today. I'm not looking forward to that. I only work 3 days this week. I'm looking forward to that. I have to pack. Not looking forward to that. Have to clean the house so it's perfect before we leave. Not looking forward to that. Friday morning will arrive soon enough, though, and it will all be done. It happens every time.
Happy Monday!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I am excited about your vacation. Y'all always visit the coolest places and stay in the most opulent hotel rooms or beds and breakfasts. Be sure to regale us in photos when you get back!!!
Hope your vacation is all you hope it to be!!
Have a great time.
And I KNOW you're looking forward to THAT!;D WORD!
Yes, it will all get done! I'm excited for you.
It sounds like a wonderful place to chill and let the kids do the kid thing and the adults enjoy the adult time. Have a pina colata for me.
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