I have a few minutes before running off to work and then spending my day running. That's how busy I'll be at work. I'll hit the library and Walmart before I start.
So, the last title. I went to the doctor on Monday and was pleased to find I weigh about 4% less than the same time last year. Why put it in percentages? My nephew Ryan is on a quest to become 27% slimmer than his current weight and he's journaling it in his new blog: www.blog.dietsunmasked.com. Check it out and say hi. He's a great writer and pretty brave for writing out loud about something so personal.
I went to AT&T yesterday morning to pre-order the new iPhone 4. Which, btw, is 24% slimmer than the previous models. I'll get it the day before vacation. I'm SO excited.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Oh, I wish I could get an iPhone. I would love to try out all the apps. I hear there are a lot of weather related apps I would love. I think I will ask for an iPod Touch soon as a compromise. That way I can get the apps without the cellphone contract which I would never use.
I just love your blog, you know that? It is such a joy to me when I check Google Reader and there is a new post from you. Don't give up blogging ever. You have a flair for it!
Good job on slimming down and good for Ryan too.
I hate reading about how much you love your iphone...only because it really, really makes me want to get one of my own!
Me again...the link to Ryan's blog isn't working..
I'm beginning to see a theme here with the percentages! I myself have lost 3%!
I'm about 50% happier than I was yesterday. Which is saying ALOT because yesterday I was 12% happier than the day before.
You techno Queen you.....Yes I'm jealous, so there.
My lawn is about 5-6% shorter than it was before I mowed it (I am only guestimating as I thought it would look silly taking a ruler out there). Great blog!
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