25 October 2010

Another day in the life...

I'm watching TV with the kids. Right now Hoarders is on. I've never seen the show and the one that's on is disgusting. Everything is covered in cat feces. Big, big yuck! Before this we watched Intervention. I've never seen that one either. This episode featured an 18-year old heroin addict. It was just heartbreaking for the family. She agreed to rehab and did well for 5 months. She left against the center's advice, came home, and started using again. The family had to kick her out. I made Emily and Phil promise never to become addicts and they agreed.

I had a good day. Doctor's appointment in the morning, then lunch with Karen. We haven't had an outing in a long time. It was great to spend time with her. I love her house. It's so interesting. Neat stuff in every nook and cranny. I left there and headed to my salon. It's open on Mondays with just a receptionist and my bosses. They take care of business and clean the entire salon. Today they were having a new phone system put in and security cameras installed. My bosses spend a lot of time taking care of the salon! I really needed to polish my toes and couldn't find any colors at home I liked so I asked Pam if I could polish them there. Odd, I know. It was nice to hang out with her for a while. We never have the time to do that during working hours. I'll have to take a picture of my new color Jules. It's a very dark ruby. Emily asked if I had on black polish. I think I like it. It's not my usual blue or purple or teal. I went to the library and voted. This is the first time in MD that we have early voting. The number of campaign signs was astounding. Elections are great for sign-makers. I went to the grocery store from there. I don't feel so bad about how much the broccoli cost yesterday because today's grocery store adventure made up for it. Pork tenderloin was BOGO and I was charged for both. The store's policy is to refund the cost of their mistake so I got S7.50 back. So there. Karma?

I just glanced up at Hoarders. They found another dead cat. I'm totally grossed out.


Jamie said...

I used to watch Hoarders but it got too disgusting for me, too. You sound good Cheryl. I like that. Have a great day today. Big hugs. :)

KathyA said...

Hoarding is an unbelievable illness. I just can't imagine living like that -- I can't stand ANY kind of clutter.

Did you expect Phil and Emily to refuse your request? I'm glad they didn't. :)

I voted early, too, but on Friday and was amazed at the # of signs and folks there trying to persuade me to vote for their candidates. REALLY! If I haven't made up my mind by that time, I shouldn't be voting!

Lena said...

You are so lucky that you have early voting! Wish we had that here.

Hoarders is a very sad show. They (who ever they are) say anyone with a cluttered messy drawer is a step away from those people. I sure hope not!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I tried to watch Hoarders once and I could not believe people actually live like that. I don't like any clutter around me and I'm only comfortable in clean surroundings.

HappyK said...

Always nice to spend time with you Cheryl. :-)
I've watched hoarders a few times and can't believe people can live like that. Very sad!

Leann said...

You sound happy :-) Hoarders...I've watched it a few times but just can't do the gross. I thought I was a bad housekeeper......

I will be SO glad when elections are over. I am tired of tv ads, radio ads, signs everywhere...uugghhhhhh

michiganme said...

I watched Hoarders four times in a row and then hit the wall with it. I do agree the people have an illness. It's just hard for me to be sympathetic, mostly I just want to slap them.

Rick Rockhill said...

Oh golly that Hoarders show is insane. what is the matter with people? I pray that I never get so blind to things that I can't see that for what it is!

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