29 November 2012


Yeah, yeah, I know: it's been forever. It's back to mostly mundane. I'm a warm-weather person and I'm happiest then. That's the time of year I look forward to. Christmas will be here before we know it, and this year for the first time, I'm not having my holiday party. I chose to go with less stress. I think I'll be really excited about resuming the tradition next year. I'm still having conflict with my decision, but really know it was the best one. Without company, I'm not decorating as much. As in not much at all, for me. I've threatened for years that I wasn't going to put up the Christmas tree and was always met with total opposition. This year I decided I just wasn't going to say anything. Then I remembered the dog. Sparky. No way can I have a tree with that puppy. Then I realized I couldn't display all my small trees. That has me sad, but it's not going to be that way always. Somehow next year I'll have things back to how I like them. And be excited.

Have I mentioned I think puppies are cute but wish I didn't have one? It came with my daughter, and as is usually the case, the mother is the one that winds up taking care of it. He deserves better than me, but we're sticking it out. I'm doing it for my child. Isn't that what mothers do?

My mom was released from the rehabilitation center and is back in assisted living after 6 weeks away. That was so hard on her, and on me. SO glad that chapter is closed. She's in pretty horrible pain. I try to put that out of my mind as much as I can.

Work is good. Thank goodness for work.

My daughter asked on Facebook on Thanksgiving what people were thankful for. The first (but not only) thing that came to my mind was my fortitude. It's been slipping a little lately, but I'm ever the optimist and am sure I'll be Ladeda-ing again real soon.

1 comment:

HappyK said...

Glad your mom got to go back home but sorry she is still in pain.
You sound kind of sad.
We should get together and have lunch soon.
Heading up to Happy Trails in the morning.
Take care my friend.

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