I'm up bright and early this morning...mainly because my alarm went off at 5:45. That's Saturday morning time, and it's Thursday. I only set my alarm on Friday night, and I swear I didn't set it last night. It will remain a mystery. I woke up with a lot on my mind and couldn't go back to sleep. My daughter and her boyfriend were on her laptop checking out colleges last night and I sat on the couch with them. They're looking at small private colleges. Wonderful colleges. Expensive colleges. Their plan is to go to college together and be together 24/7. I'm filled with angst on so many levels. Financial, social, etc. I'm so glad that she's looking at going to college. She had talked about taking a year off. Now she's talking about starting in the spring instead of the fall. There's more unknown than known, but at least she's/they're looking. I watched and listened last night without giving any opinions because to have done otherwise would have resulted in a fight. I'm left with deep unease over the whole college issue because I'm sure I'll be at odds with both my daughter and her father over most every issue. Financial, social, moral, etc. This is just how I'm feeling at the moment, however. I'm a firm believer that most worries are wasted and that things turn out better than I imagine they can.
I have a dentist appointment this morning to finally have my permanent crown put on. I've had a temporary crown for months and no crown for 2 weeks. Hopefully today will be the end of the crown saga. I'll go to my parent's afterward because my sister Ilene is here from GA for a visit. Oh, I wish she lived closer. We'll all spend the day together. I'll be going to Back to School night tonight. While there, I'll have a chance to spend time with the college counselor. That will be good.
So there you go. A slice of life. Finally.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Hi there friend. It's been a while. Seems there is always something to worry about with kids!!
Hope things went well at the dentist and you are having a nice visit with your sister.
I've made an appointment for next Wed. See you then. It's time for a LITTLE trim too. :-)
Glad Ilene is visiting and you get to spend some time with her.
I remember that year (three times). It IS a year filled with all kinds of worries (most that never materialized).
College decisions are always painful. When a boyfriend is involved . . well you know the rest. Judy gave us that worry. In the end it all worked out. She choose Shepherd University at Shepherdstown, WV. It's about an hour from Dulles Airport. Our experience with the University was good - it ain't cheap but not so bad as some others.
It will all come together for her, and most of the worries that you have right now about colleges will go by the wayside. She may change her mind another time or two, or three or ten. Just sit idly by, and wait for her to make good decisions. Big hugs, friend. :)
I hate dental work...painful and yucky!
I'm going through my own dental fiasco. Turns out that all dentists aren't honest! Who knew?
Mel aka Fish
I love the way you write. Short, powerful sentences. Bravo. Did we go to Bowie High together? --
Michael Blankenheim
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