17 November 2010

The Band Perry

Time for a 10 minute post again.

I've been watching The CMA's on my DVR and saw and heard what I thought was an amazing song sung by the sweetest voice. It was "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. Check it out on YouTube if you're inclined. I listened to it a few times.

So windy here. Crazy windy. The sun is shining so bright. The clouds are amazing. I'm about to leave for work but will build in a few minutes to just gaze at the sky. A little sustenance before work.

Talking about work (since this has to be a ramble I have to move on), I was so busy yesterday but it was a perfect day, especially time-wise. I was on time for every client. I was booked on the half-hour, as usual. Every client came in a little early. I worked my butt off, but it was like a well-choreographed dance. I was starved when it was over, but happy.

I came home to the trash and recycle bins left at the curb (grrr), refrigerator door open, and the house stinking from 2 bags of burned popcorn. Didn't put me in the best mood.

Fortunately, there's always a new day. I have some breaks at work and will read my book. I'm off tomorrow. Did I mention that my crown is just not right? After so many appointments? I have an appointment tomorrow. I'll spend time with my parent's after that. They need me.

Issues with the folks. Doctor's appt's that are hard to schedule. Hygiene issues. Etc... I'm afraid to get old. Wah. I love hearing stories of people in their 90's that are independent. I always wish for health. Please Lord, let me stay healthy.

And with that, I wish you a great Wednesday!


KathyA said...

You've really been having a time with that crown. I hope it gets fixed this time.

Yesterday sounds amazing, but it doesn't sound like you had time to even go to the bathroom!

Sorry about the issues with your parents.

Leann said...

Aren't young adults absolutely amazing in their disregard of how their actions affect other people? Gotta love em'.

It sounds like you had an amazing day and I hope this one beats yesterday hands down :-)

HappyK said...

I stopped in yesterday and made an appointment for Monday.
I too pray for good health. I have met quite a few older people on my morning walks in their late 80's who are still out there. I want to be one of them. :-)

Susie said...

Grrr...it drives me nuts when my kids don't even think to clean up after themselves. I'm not sure how that happened, they used to be so good about it.

Yes, good health is something to strive and wish for. I worry about how my parents will be doing in a couple more years...

Martha said...

I've got my hubby here at home and I still come home to the empty garbage can at the end of the driveway! I try to tell myself that I should be grateful that at least he took the garbage out...but I still get annoyed. And I really like "If I Die Young"--very good song!

beachgirl said...

I love the Band Perry. They are playing at the Chili cookoff this year.

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