It's a little cool outside this morning and I'm sitting on the porch in my nightgown. A breeze is blowing and it feels so good! The hummingbirds are really active; it's a great sight to look up and see.
Rob and I had a great time on our beach vacation. It was an easy 2.5 hour drive to get there, with about half of it through farmland. We went right to one of the Delaware Seashore State Park locations in Rehoboth. We stayed on the beach till about 6:00. I'm so glad Rob likes the beach as much as me. As usual, the later in the day it got, the less we wanted to leave. We finally checked into our hotel, then spent the night doing the typical boardwalk thing, ending with soft-serve ice cream. Yum! On Monday we went to Bethany Beach, where I vacationed for many years. Here's a picture of the house we rented for about 8 years. It used to be red.
Here's one that we rented for about 3 years. It's a duplex and we rented the downstairs. It was our little yellow house then.
I loved being back in Bethany; I have so many memories. I started vacationing there when Emily was one. My mom always vacationed with us, and of course that was years before she had the stroke. I vacationed with Tony when I was married, and then my neighbor and her daughter when I was divorced. It was a great place to vacation. Myrtle Beach is my favorite vacation spot now, but I'll definitely be back to Bethany again. It's so close! They've built dunes and planted lots of sea grasses since I was last at the DE beaches. It looks so much more natural now.
We packed up on Tuesday morning and headed to Cape Henlopen, where we spent part of the day at another of the Delaware State Parks. I've never done the beach parks before, but it's easy parking, and they have bathhouses. It really worked out great. We found a nice spot to set up our chairs and umbrellas right next to a very large Amish family. The young men in the water on their boogie boards were only distinguished by their bowl haircuts and beards. The women, on the other hand, wore very simple black or blue dresses, which they wore into the water. It was so interesting to watch them. I tried to be discreet.
We ended our vacation by dropping our things off at the house and heading to my pool. The water there was delightful! I'm so spoiled by Myrtle Beach and the calm, 80+ degree ocean. The waves in DE were enormous, fueled by tropical storm Emily. Rob loved it, but I was scared, and took a bad tumble the first day that really hurt my ankles. The water was freezing, to me. I tried to think of it as invigorating and luckily it was hot enough that you just got in. No one seemed to mind the temperature.
I'm home again till next Monday, when I'll join my cousins for a few days of their vacation in Stone Harbor, NJ. I can't wait!
Book Club
When at town and walking it was 40 degrees.
Got to leave a couple of layers of clothing off with the warmer weather.
Once the sun came up it was a mix of s...
3 hours ago
Sounds like you and Rob had a wonderful time and I am so happy for you.
You've been to the beach quite a bit this year. Lucky you! I have only been once. It sounds like you and Rob had a wonderful time and that's all that matters :-)
I don't get to the beach as much as I would like. Mom can't travel now and my husband doesn't like the beach at all. Big loss for me.
My own dream is to go to the beach for a week by myself. Right now it is a dream only. But someday ...
How fun! And I would have been just as interested in the Amish family as you. They are a fascinating people. I'm so glad you had a good time. Going back to a place so familiar is like coming home.
Makes me want to go back to Cannon Beach.
Being unemployed, I have all the time in the world to go to the beach, just not the money. When I'm employed, it is just the opposite, it doesn't seem fair. I miss the beach. John and I used to go every summer until we bought the house. The house and its repairs took the vacation money. Now, working on the house is how the vacation time and money is spent, sadly. Your vacations remind me of days gone by!
I can't help but feel a ping of all looks so wonderfully relaxing!
It's so great that you and Rob had time away together, I know there is not enough time for you two with all you have going on.
Love the pics, and it's awesome that you live so close to paradise..
Happy Saturday. Biggest hugs. :)
I have been missing out on your beautiful life!! That will teach me for not visiting your blog often enough...
It looks like all of your prayers have been answered. How will you spend PEACE?
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