27 July 2014

For Betty

What a difference a month makes. I read over my last post. I was on the road to being happy again. I really did go through a depression for a while. There was nothing I could do but wait for time to pass. I kept really busy with all kinds of activities and that really helped. Swimming especially...I'd get in the pool and glide through the water and all of a sudden, I'd have a smile on my face and think...life is good. I also fell in love with kayaking and decided to buy a kayak of my own. Here's a picture of my daughter modeling it on my lawn.

I feel so empowered owning a kayak. It's been an investment. I bought my kayak with tip money, so it was a gift from my clients :-) I bought an inexpensive kayak carrier for my car and returned it for a very expensive one that is perfect and that I can load and unload all by myself (I have the bruises to prove it). I returned my inexpensive paddle and life jacket for much better and more expensive ones. I'm now going to return them for much better and more expensive ones. I've learned a lot about equipment since I started kayaking (paddling). I belong to a few Meetup groups that I paddle with. I'm having so much fun! The week before last I went out 4 times in 6 days. I was sore! Each time was with over 20 very fun and friendly like-minded people. 

Joining meetup groups (meetup.com) is a wonderful way to get out and do things that interest you with people who are looking for the same thing: comraderie and friendship with people who share your interests. Last night I went to Union Jack's in Annapolis for a night of dancing. I didn't know if I would know anyone in this group. I joined the group last year and went on a 23 mile bike ride with them. It turns out I knew 2 people that I met the last time I went kayaking, and was introduced to scores of friendly people. On Thursday night I met with 7 people from one of my groups and watched a fantastic Navy band play on the city dock in Annapolis. I have different events planned with different groups into September. No moss is growing under this rolling stone. 

I spent the first week in July in Hyannis on Cape Cod with my friend Berrnie and her husband. This was my 4th time going to The Cape in 5 years. I love it there. Every day we'd go somewhere, whether it was having breakfast overlooking the harbor in Hyannis or walking the Main Street of Chatham. Every afternoon I'd walk the beaches by myself. I listened to the wonderful book, The Art of Racing in the Rain. It was a great vacation.

                                                         Nantucket Blue

I also took a day trip to visit my Aunt Carolee and cousin Donna in RI and CN. I hadn't seen Donna in 35 years!! It was an afternoon of laughter and catching up. Visiting them will become part of my Cape visits in the future.

Four days after flying home Emily and I flew to Chattanooga, TN for my nephew Andrew's weddinng to Mary Scott. Such love! We all stayed in the same hotel, which was so nice. I'm very close to my sister's 4 sons and daughters. I've always visited Georgia and I've seen them all grow up. Emily is very close to her cousins. This was the 4th wedding I've attended in their family. It was a whirlwind 3 days that I wouldn't have missed for the world. 


I'm sitting on my deck with Sparky, enjoying the breeze and the sounds of my chimes. I'm scheduled to kayak at 3:30 today but the weather forecast is calling for storms. Fingers crossed that that the storm will pass us by.


HappyK said...

Nice kayak. We're lovin ours too. : )

vital said...

I grew up in Cleveland, Tn right outside of Chattanooga. I miss TN.

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