I'm in all-out Cheryl mode. I know I used that phrase the other day. It just seemed appropriate again. I'm caffeined-up with no food. I think I need to fix that or I'll crash before the party begins.
It's a great sunny day out here. The house is sparkling clean. It smells good. I'm happy. The camera is charged-up. I'll post post-party pics soon.
Happy day!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
See you in a little while! :-)
Awesome! Glad you are happy!
I know your party was a perfect success, and I can't wait to see the pics. Hope you sleep in a little this morning, you have to be exhausted. Hugs, girl, :)
Whew! You're making me tired!!
I can't wait for the next post!! Hugs friend.
LOVE your new phrase! I also loved your facebook update with the guest to your party. Big loving hugs friend! Hope you had a blast!
I'm glad you are in an all-out Cheryl mode! Enjoy it!
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