08 December 2009


Man am I a slacker. 'Tis the season? I've been busy with all kinds of things. Getting the house ready for the holidays. It's done. All decked out. I had my book club holiday get-together on Sunday. Now I'm in all-out mode getting ready for my big holiday party this Saturday night. I have a lot of food shopping and cooking to fit in this week. My lists are made, and I'm not going to stress. I'm expecting at least 40 people. Fun times!

I've not done any gift shopping. This year will be a lean one. I know what I'll be getting for Emily; I just have to buy it. We're having a gift exchange at work. We don't exchange gifts with my family for the most part, so that's easy. And there's really nothing I want. Really, unless someone wanted to buy me a Mac Book Pro, which of course isn't going to happen. Ha ha. So, I'm not so into gifts this year.

I've been spending a lot of time with my new guy. It's been 4 weeks now. I guess it's safe to say he's my boyfriend, although that word seems so foreign to say. He's wonderful. He talks, talks, talks and thinks I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him. He brings his guitar over and sings to me. Can you imagine how romantic that is? Yesterday he sang his newest that he wrote about us. I think I'm a lucky girl. It's still early, and it could come to naught, so I don't want to say too much. He came to my work party on Saturday so everyone got to see the person who keeps a smile on my face. He'll be at my party this Saturday. I think Emily likes him; there's nothing not to like.

Time to get up and going for my 'Monday'. Happy Tuesday to you!


Mary said...

Your post makes me soooo verrrry happy! The holiday season is perfect for grinning. I can't wait to see pics of your party. I know it will be beautiful. Don't forget that we want to see the face of the guy who put that grin on your face.

HappyK said...

It is so nice to hear you so happy and I'm so very happy for you. Can't wait to meet this special guy on Saturday.

C.A. said...

I am positively ecstatic about the "new guy". I could not be any happier for you, Cheryl! Embrace it and enjoy it all!

Big big hugs....


Leann said...

It's so fun to hear your life is going well. New relationship, gathering with friends. I hope your holiday season continues to be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I love it! This is gonna be a good
Christmas for you. hugs Cheryl...Deb A.

KathyA said...

Can't wait to meet him!

Jamie said...

You know, I'm just sitting here smiling like an idiot. Thanks for posting. Hugs. :D

Lena said...

I am so happy for you, your post made me cry! Enjoy all the festivities, sounds wonderful!

Jules said...

Don't apologize or lack of blog time. We all understand the interference......

bonnie said...

And what exactly defines you as a "slacker?" You seem pretty active to me. My new blog is ready !!!! Woo hoo. Done! I can't remember how to create a link to it in a comment (like this) and I can't find any help info on it. Do you remember how to do it?


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