I was in all-out Cheryl mode today. I even amazed myself!
I started my morning by making the bourbon sauce for my meatballs. It's delicious...two cups of bourbon, two bottles of beer, two bottles of chili sauce and 24 ounces of brown sugar, simmered and reduced. Yum. That's refrigerated and waiting to join the meatballs. I drove the kids to school then went to Sam's Club. Then Borders. Then Nordstroms. Then Marshall's, looking for the elusive camisole that's still eluding me. Then I went to the grocery store for hopefully the last time before the party. Then home and cooking. I made a rum cake. I made a cheesecake. I made curried cheese spread. Hot artichoke dip. Spinach cheese balls. Chipped beef dip. I did a lot of dishes. Lots and lots of them. I did laundry in-between. I vacuumed and mopped all the hard floors. Then I made our favorite chicken recipe with the french fried onions, broccoli and potatoes. Then I collapsed and here I sit. What a day!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Yep, you're amazing. But I knew that already. Hugs, friend. This will be your best party, ever. :)
I'm getting me a ticket to your house!! Holy yum!!! You are amazing.. if you weren't a hairdresser, you could be a caterer.. or a party planner.. or a professional shopper.
Talented, aren't ya?!
Whatta woman!!! Oh boy, that meatball sauce sounds absolutely fantastic! Is that the recipe in full? and the 24 oz of brown sugar...you mean liquid brown sugar? When you get time, please post the recipe, ok? And since I don't buy bourbon too often, please give the brand you buy too....ok? Thanks. Don't forget to take LOTS of pictures!! Big hugs.
Busy busy day you had. I'm happy I'll be able to see and taste all your hard work tomorrow!! :-)
Golly, Gee!! It would take me a week to do all of that. I know your party will be a success. Relax and enjoy. Waiting for pic.
"all out Cheryl mode".....I LOVE IT! Please bottle it and let me buy myself some for Christmas! You are amazing!
My goodness!! I got tired just reading that! Hope the party goes well and it is a booming success.
Go Cheryl! And we got to reap the fruits of your labors on Saturday night. We had a lovely time. :)
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