I spent the first few hours of my morning reading, all the while lamenting the time I was 'wasting.' I get that from my mom...always feeling like I need to be busy. I broke away from the book when I was down to the last 20 pages. I'm reading The Hunger Games, and this was the second book in the series. A friend in my book club read it and loved it. I listened to the first book, which was a great way to experience it. I read the second book in less than 2 days. I just saw that it's being made into a movie. When I Googled the book, I was surprised to see all the accolades. I can't wait to read the third and last book.
I called a different Sam's Club than I usually go to to see if their photo department made poster-size prints, and was told yes. I drove there and found a note pasted on the machine saying posters weren't available till next week. Grrrr. The good news was that the Lowe's in the shopping center had the nicest garden center I've seen. I spent a few hours there and came home and spent many hours planting. Yea! I still have more to purchase, but everything I bought is in the ground.
I grilled some burgers for dinner. Too greasy! I'll buy leaner meat the next time. I grilled summer squash and that was great. I'm sitting on my porch, surrounded by the lusciousness of my spring garden. It's the time of night that the hummingbirds are active. For the first time, the birds are flying into the tree that one of my feeders hangs from instead of flying to the side of my house and out of sight. I hope that means there's a nest there.
I'm SO thankful that it's spring.
It turns out I didn't waste time by reading. There was plenty of time for everything. Except cleaning house. Somehow that always gets pushed to the side. I wonder why?
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
You're not alone, housework always falls to the bottom of my list too. I just dusted last week, and I hate dusting. I walked by and gave myself the finger test (run my finger along the top of the furniture to see how much dust comes up on my finger). I scored a 5 out of 10, need to dust again, ugh, especially with visitors coming this Sunday. I know what you mean about hamburger, I learned too, now it's 93/7 for me that's all I buy. I'm hoping for steaks on the grill on Sunday (if the rain holds off). Happy Mother's Day, Cheryl.
I had a really busy day, too. I even got up before 8!!! I've got about 70% of the pots planted, but I need to get weeding and edging. It looks awful.
The Hunger Games! I INHALED them! Talk about "can't put it down GOOD". A movie! I wonder who will play Katniss....I know who I pictured as I was reading it. Its been so chilly here I'm afraid to plant anything. I suspect we are not going to have a really hot summer this year...I hope I'm wrong.
I waste a lot of time. : ) I read every day.
Happy Mother's Day! :) Enjoy everything that unfolds!! xoxoxo
I don't know if I can say I'm thankful for spring just yet. Mother Nature seems to have carried over her evil ways......
If you ever get a chance, read Dee Brown's Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.
screw housework.... stay in the moment of your budding world!! Enjoy your spring Cheryl! I know you will.
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