Today's plan was to take my father for lab work and then in to see his doctor. I suspected he had a UTI. My plan was to be back home after that and await Rob's arrival at 2. On Tuesday, my mother said she hit her wrist in a doorway while traveling on her new scooter. She thought she needed X-rays. The nurse at The Annapolitan tried to get Kaiser authorization to have a portable X-ray done there. I tried too but it didn't happen. Today was the first day I could take care of it, unfortunately. I felt bad about that; bad that she had to wait that long. I won't go into all the details, but I had to balance my mom in a wheelchair and my father, and the lab, pharmacy, X-ray, and each being seen by the doctor. Then back to The Annapolitan to wait for an appointment for my mom with an orthopedic doctor in another facility. I got lost. She needed more X-rays. Long story short, her wrist isn't broken, but badly bruised and swollen. It looks broken. I picked them up at 8:30 this morning, and settled my mom back in at 4:30. I had to cancel my plans with Rob. Once I got over myself and realized I was doing the right and necessary thing, I was fine with it. My parents needed me, and I was glad to be there for them. I was 80% patient. I only hope that one day I'll be lucky enough to have someone there for me if I need them.
It was over 100 degrees today. Fortunately I wasn't out much until I got home. I got my bathing suit on and hit the pool at 5:30. I swam 10 laps! I read my magazine. I chilled, and the previous part of the day became a distant memory. I came home and watered the garden while listening to one of my favorite albums, Reasons Why by Nickel Creek. I was out till almost dark.
I'll end with the last of the albums, the graduation party from Sunday. It was so much fun. I think all my hard work paid off (if I must say so myself).

From Karen (McDonald) Bobby: Cheryl, I so enjoy reading your writing. You have a real gift. The party for Emily was lovely. I gasped when I saw the picture of Stella, Kit and you! Oh, you all look so wonderful. I've known Kit since 7th grade and you and Stella since 9th grade. It does not seem like 40 years ago. Your house and yard are just beautiful. You are right to be proud. It's also good to see your folks. Take care.
That party was fab..really. You have a beautiful home and you take awesome care of it. Em looks so happy...
I hope that today is wonderful, I'm sure you'll be busy. I wish so much we lived near each other, I need a hair cut and my girl is good, but just not quite the one, you know?
Happy Friday. I hope your smiling. Hugs, friend. :)
I'm so glad you posted these pictures. You talked about the party and all the preparations. Yes, your windows are beautiful, very clean! Looks like everyone had a great time, especially the guests of honor. Another great memory made, the future awaits. Glad to hear your Mom's wrist is okay. You needed your time at the pool, maybe not the ten laps, definitely the chillin. Sorry to hear you missed time with Rob, he's so understanding, you are blessed, remember that.
You are such a good daughter!!! And a wonderful mom to Emily. She's a lucky girl in so many ways. There is so much love in your family....yes, its there. You may not think it is sometimes....but it is! You are truly blessed and your family is blessed because you and Emily are in it. And all that love and caring you give out??.....why it just comes right back at you....maybe not right away, but it always comes back. You know I'm right, don't you? LOL
It looks like Emily had an amazing day thanks to her Mom. I'm sure she will look back on this day with fond memories.
Oh...and you can totally introduce me to Jose :-)
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