I've thought it was Monday all day long. I wondered where the lunch crowd was when I was at Fuddruckers with my mom. Wondered why I had no mail. Thought my neighbor must have the day off to be out raking in the afternoon. I also had the time wrong by an hour because I still haven't changed the clock in my car. I'm guessing I've had the day wrong because I knew I was working tomorrow, and the day after my weekend is always Tuesday, not Monday. So, kind of a strange day. I spent part of it with my mom, and the rest doing stuff around the house. Doesn't my mom look very modern in her new glasses?
The woman in the picture is one of my mother's very, very awesome caregivers, Pat. She loves my mom and takes such good care of her. My mother is spoiled rotten, and she deserves to be.
In other news, Rob did so much for me around the house while he was here this week. I'm not used to having help. He moved furniture and washed glasses and trimmed all my shrubs, and raked my whole front yard. I'm so thankful. Emily got out there and helped with the yard work too! Yesterday she got the Christmas spirit, and with her dad's help, put up lots of Christmas lights. Wow! We're the first ones around to have Christmas lights up. A bit early for me, but that's just fine. I'm just so happy that she did it.
Speaking of Christmas, I'm hoping to get in the mood soon. My first party is December 4th.
Time to read. And remember I have to work tomorrow.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
1 hour ago
With my upcoming knee surgery, I know I won't have the ability to do much. My shopping is done (all online). John leaves for work trip to Texas on December 5th, returning December 16th. I hope he brings all the Christmas decorations (and our fake tree) down from the attic. I could work at my pace and have it decorated upon his return. Hope to see a picture of all those lights on your house, sure bet their beautiful. Kudos to Rob too for helping you too! Get online and get some ideas, that will put you in the mood guaranteed!
or go online and listen to trans siberian orchestra lovely christmas music or mannheim streamroller christmas mucic too
have a good one. your mom is very lucky to have found a great assisted living facility
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