30 December 2013


I've been spending a lot of time in Annapolis lately. I live between DC, Baltimore and Annapolis. I like the eastern part of the triangle best. I don't actually know that it's a triangle. When I go to DC I take the Metro, unless it's to the outskirts, like the National Arboritum or Union Market. I don't know my way around Baltimore very well, but I'm comfortable driving there with my GPS app. Annapolis, I know. Well, I know what I know which I thought was a lot, but I'm constantly discovering more and more and liking it even better. It's been especially beautiful decorated for Christmas. Today I walked over the Spa Creek bridge. The reflections in the creek immediately caught my eye.

I've caught some pretty good reflections in my own neighborhood.

Still, I like the ones around bodies of water the best.


Besides walking around, I've done some fun things. My brother had some people over to his house on Thursday night and it was really great to be there. I brought bourbon meatballs and an apple almond cheesecake. I went to see a parade in Annapolis on Friday, and was situated near the start of it, which made it short and sweet. No waiting for the different participants to catch up. It started with the Clydesdale horses. SO majestic. Then the marching bands, old fire trucks, etc. It was a pretty short parade. I went to a gathering at my friend Nancy's house afterward. I brought another cheesecake (white chocolate raspberry that thankfully Emily finished off so I didn't). Again, a great bunch of people were there. The last picture was taken from my friend's dock. I love that red and white sailboat.

I spent most of yesterday watching the first 6 episodes of Breaking Bad. OMG! I'm hooked. I can't wait to see the next episode. Previously, I had only watched the next to the last episode of the series when I visited Ken and Karen in October. I know it's headed down, down, down.

And that's what I have to say on this next-to-the-last eve of 2013.


Josie Two Shoes said...

Such beautiful reflections! Sounds like you've had several nice holiday/end of year gatherings. I always smile when I think of your life and how you've formed it to fit you so well! I'm hoping the perfect guy to share some of that peace and beauty pops up somewhere on the path for you in the coming year! :-)

Brad said...

Great pictures. Makes me wonder what kind of camera you're using. :) - I fell in love with Annapolis the first time I visited. I love the history and its the beautiful old architecture, It's like what all Mid-Atlantic port cities should be, right out of central casting. Happy New Year my Friend, Love to You & Yours!

HappyK said...

Beautiful pictures Cheryl!!
We're getting more snow today.!!

Andrew said...

It is so awesome to stop by and see you blogging! I have missed you and your words so much!

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