02 January 2009

A little this and that

Dressed up

dressed down

Dressed up

very dressed down

The bare tree is all that's left standing, and who knows when I'll get that put away. I'll need help, but it's out of sight, so it's OK.

My knee has been feeling somewhat better. It's still not right, and when it feels better, of course, I do too much. Today doesn't feel too good, so I'll be icing again and I've taken my Motrin. I still haven't heard from my doctor, so I'll call again today.

I'm ready to head off to a very busy day at work. Time for things to be back to normal. I can't believe tomorrow is Saturday already. Crazy. The holidays really mix you up.

Emily left this morning for a whirlwind trip to NYC with her father and step-mother. All of her dad's family lives there. They'll stay in a nice hotel right by Central Park. Do all kinds of fun things today and tomorrow with family. Emily should be home around midnight on Saturday. Her boyfriends's been in Colorado for the past week, and they'll want to see each other on Sunday.

I was so good about keeping up with reading posts, and now I see I'm 50-something behind. I'll be around tonight after work.

Happy Friday!


KathyA said...

Back to the grindstone! I love the before and after pictures. I'm off to the gym this a.m. Talk to you tonight?

Jay said...

You're probably going to just have to take a couple of days at some point to really rest that knee. You have to let it get better before you try to do a lot or you'll just keep aggravating it.

/end lecture. LOL ;-)

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Have a great 2009!

HappyK said...

Hope that knee of yours gets better soon!!
Nice weekend for Em!!
See you in the morning for the "Haircut." :-)

ac said...

Love the pics! Love the chest of drawers. Tres cool! Trade you for the nondescript no character thing my stuff is in. No? Didn't think so! ha! Thanks for stopping by. ac

JOY said...

Hey Cheryl, You have been busy as aways . Keep icing that knee ,I had great pain with mine for some time .After exay, MRI and Doctors wanting to cut and see ,I tryed Acupuncture and prayer and now pain free.I hope to see you Tue.

Martha said...

I laughed out loud at the before and after pictures. I get so sad when all the decorations in our house get put away--suddenly, everything looks so bare!

Jamie said...

I know what you mean about dressed up and down...it looks actually sad at first, without the GOOD CHEER all around...

Take care of that knee!



Brad said...

We spent yesterday putting the christmas stuff away. I like having it out but having the clutter cleared away is nice too.

Billy said...

Happy New Year!

Gin said...

Love the before and after photos! LaDeDa...love it!

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