A neighbor was outside in his yard for most of the day. He came over and talked and talked. I asked some questions about my deck, my garage door, my roof, etc. It's hard having a home and not knowing when things need to get done. I had two wheels off the track of my garage door. I knew about one, but not the other. He fixed them. Yeah!
I went to check on the eggs this morning and at first I thought they were gone because all I saw was brown. Then I realized it was a brown duck sitting on her eggs. Later I went to look again but I frightened her and she ran away. When I looked she had laid another egg. Later in the day I looked and she's covering the eggs with stuff so I can no longer tell how many are in there.

Well, we just finished dinner. It was disappointing. Emily doesn't like her steak with any red and it was definitely overcooked. Plus, I put Worcester sauce in the baggie with the raw steak and I didn't like the taste. The potato and brocolli were good but now I have that yucky feeling you get when you're not used to meat. Plus I want ice cream and don't/won't have any.

When I was at the imaging center for my mammogram I stopped by the film area to see if I could get a copy of my knee MRI. She asked if I wanted the results too, and I said yes. Then I called my orthopedic office and left a message that I picked up my film and results in case I needed a second opinion, and could they call. The doctor's assistant called back and said, where did you have the MRI done? And you said you have the results? She was clueless. I'm not sure I like this office. She said she'd look to see if the results were faxed and told me she'd call tomorrow afternoon. I have no intention of looking at the images or results. If it's bad I'd just freak myself out, and I'm not a doctor. Now if I were Soul....
Anyway, I'm sitting out on my porch. I was away from the computer all day. It's good to be back in my favorite place doing one of my favorite things. I hoped to see the momma duck come back or a hummingbird at the feeder before I went inside, but it's getting dark and a little cold so I think I'm calling it a day.
Wow you had a busy day - you did enough for two days!!
I did have ice cream tonight - no guilt though - I walked 8 miles today!!
Glad you're feeling like your old/young self! You did get a lot accomplished!!! I can't believe you didn't look at the results.
I love your spirit, as you well know. Slow down a bit in your head and soul and take it all in. You are living an amazing life. Thank you for bringing us into your world.
One day at a time!
oh how much I would love to pal around with you for an entire day (WEEKS!) just reading about it is relaxing and peaceful no matter how busy..which you definitely are.
thank you for being you.
You are a Proverbs 31 friend. :)
LOL at the Soul comment. Her & Dr. Google.
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