Luckily my house didn't burn down yesterday when the belt broke on the washing machine and the motor kept going. Poor Emily was home alone but called 911 when she walked into a laundry room full of smoke. Now I have to figure out what kind of washing machine to buy.

It's a pretty nasty day. Cloudy and cool. It rained but I think that's over. I'm so glad I got all my plants in yesterday. I'm going to an event in Columbia called Wine in the Woods with some work peeps. I just made Fumi Salad to bring. Yum. So, it should be a fun day. I can't drink too much because of driving. You pay an entry fee and get a glass and tickets for X amount of wine. Not sure cause I've never attended. I'm glad I have something to do today that's outdoors and different. There's lots of craft tents (the ex's wife has a booth there; I'll say hi), food, live music, etc. Too bad the weather isn't cooperating.
I already did the coffee shop. Time to shower and get ready for the rest of the day.
Enjoy your Sunday!
There are so many washing machines to choose from. My DH works for the state at a facility that houses mentally delayed adults. They have housing with approximately 16 clients living in each residence. When purchasing new washers they got the front loading type. The service man has been there almost daily, issues are leaking, unbalanced rocking and other things too numerous to mention. I was leaning towards getting one, but now I'm not. He isn't impressed with them at all. I want one without an auger in the center, and a dryer that has a rack to put tennis shoes and sweater in to dry. Don't want much, EH????
My belt broke, too, and luckily I caught it right away...before the smoke became heavy. I got a top loader...basic. It does the job. Have a fun day.
I'm glad nothing disastrous happened. We had a dryer do that in the basement below the apartment where we were living. It's a little scary.
Have fun researching washers.
that sounds like fun--the wine in the woods event. :) let us know how it went! Drive safe please! or call a fireman for a ride home :)
glad the only thing hurt was the washing machine.
Wine in the Woods is fun, but we're boycotting all Maryland wines because of the inability to receive wines from other states. Maryland wine growers and distributors have a strong lobby, but until they change their ways, we won't be buying ANY Maryland wines.
Wine sounds better than washing machine shopping. We bought a Frigidaire front loader when we moved into our house. It's energy star compliant, pretty quiet, and we haven't had any problems. And we do A LOT of laundry here.
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