The reunion started on Friday night. I met up with some classmates at a restaurant before heading to the class cocktail party.

Saturday I got all dolled up for the big reunion. My plans were to polish my nails at the last minute, but that proved to be impossible when you have to wear 'slimming undergarments.' No way can you pull them up and down with fresh polish. Oh well, my black and blue nail kept me real. I asked my new neighbor if she could come over and take some pictures of me since I was home alone. I forgot that she's an accomplished photographer and she came with her professional equipment. We did a photo shoot! I'll post some pictures when she sends them to me. Here's one she took with my camera.

If you've been reading my blog for a while you know I'm not a fancy person. This outfit was way outside 'the box' for me, but I had a blast wearing it! It was fun to be a little sexy. The party was one big high. We sported name tags with our Senior pictures:

I spent the night going from person to person, looking at their name tags, then giving a hug and starting a conversation. Thank goodness for the tags. It was often the only way to recognize the person! The years have a way of changing how we look. Most people were recognizable. Many people were very kind and told me I hadn't changed a bit. Right. I wore overalls and construction boots in my senior year. Anyway, I think I only sat down for about 20 minutes, and that was to eat dinner. Kit was my designated driver, and I found that I like the drink Sex on the Beach very much! By the end of the evening we had the dance floor filled. Everyone agreed we don't want to wait another 5 years to get together. Maybe we won't. Our class is fortunate to have a very active reunion committee (thank you!) and there's been a reunion every 5 years; this was our 35 year reunion. That's almost impossible for me to fathom. Kit and I left the party well after 1 AM and I spent the night at her house. She slept for about an hour before taking off for her flight to CA. I don't know how she did it. So, the party is over. I wonder when I'll wear that dress again?
In other news, we had a guest 'hairdresser' at our house yesterday, our friend Sarah. Emily has wanted the underside of her hair tinted red, and she asked Sarah to do it for her. Less conflict that way. Emily loves it, and so do I.

One last picture to round out this post that I snagged from my oldest nephew Adam's FB page. He and his wife Millie are expecting their first baby next month. Here's them 'practicing'. Can't wait to see a baby in that carrier although that bear is awfully cute.

I must selfishly say that I am always tickled pink when I "make the blog". :) I can't wait to see the hair in person and I told Em last night that I want to see it curly (I love her hair curly).
I am also always so excited to see babywearing parents and even more excited to see FUTURE babywearers! I hope to teach one more wrap class at Crofton Yoga. It's a lost art, but seems to be gaining back some respect. Good for your nephew and his wife and yeah for baby, too! It's a nice pouch. :)
1. Your senior picture could be Emily!
2. Glad you had a nice time.
3. Wear the dress to work. :)
Glad to hear that class reunion was a hit - you were certainly very pretty for the occasion. The dress is sexy with class - perfect.
Em is just at the impossible age for "needing to be there" - Not yet ready to drive herself but obligated to an inconvient schedule. Hang in there.
I need Harry or Joe to correct whatever is keeping me from commenting under my blog idenity. Remember, I'm really computer challenged. Mary Ruth
I love Emily's hair. Good job Sarah! And you looked fantastic Cheryl!
Wear that dress on a date. There's a subject we need to re-visit!
Sarah...I'll have to mention you more often!
Kathy...the thought of wearing that dress to work made me laugh out loud!
Jules...we'll revisit that. One day ...
Looks like you had a great time! You looked stunning in your pics!
That blue dress is just perfect. You looked
absolutely great! I'll bet you got a lot of
good input, (and no doubt envious thoughts too!)
Yes, the dress is a keeper and should be worn
again soon!
I also thought that your yearbook picture could be Emily! Your dress was beautiful and you looked so gorgeous in it. Glad that you enjoyed wearing it. Nice you had a great time at reunions.
I loved Emily's hair!!
I remember those days of driving school and working and running around dropping the kids off. I miss those times.
Wow, you look GOOD!
You look fantastic in that dress. But you'd look good in overalls and construction boots too.
You look stunning in that dress. I'm glad you had a good time.
Emily's hair is cute.
You look absolutely stunning! I love the blue dress! Emily looks just like you in your high school picture.
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