I arrived at work on Friday and the first co-worker to see me said,"...you look so good! Your skin is glowing. Have you done something different?" I told her that I had the heat blasting in my car and it must have made my face red. She said it wasn't red, that it looked really good. Five minutes later, another co-worker said the same thing to me. She too asked it I'd done something different. Well, no. Not a thing. I changed my cleanser and toner that morning, but that couldn't have made such a noticeable difference. I told her that someone else had just said the same thing, and I had no idea why. Then my first client remarks, "Cheryl, you look just great today. Something about your skin...it looks so bright." I"m thinking, this is really weird. Maybe people are just noticing my new glasses for the first time? During the course of the day, at least 5-6 people told me how good I looked. One said maybe I'd just had a good night's sleep. It was a mystery. So, Saturday morning I'm putting on my makeup, trying to think if I'd done anything different the day before so I could replicate the look. Nope. Nothing different. I go to work and no one says I look good. I just look normal, like I do every day. Then I had a thought. An ah-ha moment. I always wear crew-neck tops. In cooler weather I wear mock-neck tops. All black. The day before I had worn a new black top with a lower, square-neck that showed more of my chest. Not cleavage, just more skin. I called over one of my co-workers who had complimented me the day before. I pulled down my collar and asked her if she thought that showing more skin the day before had been what made the difference. Lo and behold, that was exactly it. She said it lightened up my skin tone, brought out my face and elongated my neck. I showed it to someone else. They were amazed at the difference it made. I told one of my clients the story and she said, I was in the nail room last night and looked over at you and noticed how good you looked. Wow! Guess who's going out shopping for lower-necked knit tops?

I think you look good in all of your pictures!!
It was nice to spend the day with you. :-)
Who woulda thunk? You look great in this pic..but I need a before to see how much better you look with all that flesh showing!
It does add a little something! But you are always gorgeous, so only a little something. :)
Feels good to feel good about yourself, huh?
You always look nice!! But it is cool to have a day like that.
My thought on this is.... that maybe black isn't your color and getting it away from your face did the trick. I had my colors done once and what a difference it has made. My sister who always wore a peach colored blush switched over to a rose color with a blue under tone and voila! It was amazing. Have you had your colors done?
BTW...the longer hair is very becoming. You look more like Em's sister than her mother.
Cheryl, you are truely beautiful!! Have you given dating any more thought?? You should. You're hot.
You look younger and soooo much like Emily!!!! Jules thinks you'r hot! :)
Wow, Cheryl....you do look amazing and I think that Summer has got it right. Although the scoop neck looks great on you...I'm willing to bet its a color thing. You really should get your colors 'done'. I like the longer hair style too. So tell us....what new cleanser are you using? I use a 3-step method with olive oil and what its done for my skin is remarkable.
So it looks like I need my colors done. Even though I like my black. I'll look into it. And I use the Obaji skin care system. I love it. It's fun having longer hair too. It's been a while.
You just plain look good, scoop-necked top or not. Wowzer.
I think you look good anyways! But yes, the different neckline makes a difference.
You have a healthy glow to you Cheryl! embrace it!
Yep that had to be it. On the other hand, you are just plain gorgeous. Happy day, friend. :)
What a great picture. I try and wear v necks myself. I don't like having anything around my neck but my flip flop necklace.
Another reason to do more shopping!
So is black not your best color? Do you have to wear black at work? I know that wearing the right colors makes a huge difference for how I look.
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