Here I am working on my surprise for Bea. Can you tell what it is?
I stayed in yesterday morning while the others went to church so I could continue with my project. It was nice, sitting at the table in the sun, listening to music. When they came back, Adam, Millie and I went to the Duke campus. Adam is a third year law student there and I wanted to see the campus. It's very impressive. I was fascinated browsing the books in the law library. I couldn't believe the amount of antique books, some dating from the early 1800's! I could have browsed the aisles for hours. Adam tells me that most research is done online, but there's still a need for the books. He's on the Duke Law Review and I was very proud to see his name in print in the journals.
The undergraduate part of the campus is Gothic in architecture. I think Adam said they copied Harvard. We walked through the cathedral. They must have been practicing for an event because we were able to hear the magnificent organ being played.
I thought this was pretty cool. Click on it to see it better. What a great way to conserve water! All bathrooms should have this feature.
I had an easy trip home today. It took less than 5 hours including stops. No traffic. No weather. I have a lot more to say, plus pics, but I'll save that for tomorrow. It was so nice to come home to a clean and neat house. The laundry is almost done. I'm just chillaxin, gearing up for a busy work week. And as I finished writing that sentence, I used my pinky to lift a slat of my mini-blind and what do I see? Snowflakes. Please, oh please, let it come to naught!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
13 hours ago
Welcome back! Glad you had such a great trip. The pics are wonderful!
Its wonderful to go places...but so nice to get back home isn't it? Glad your trip was a safe one. Have a great day tomorrow.
I'm happy to hear you had a great time. I love the Duke campus, I have never seen it in person, but have seen lots and lots of pics. My nephew goes there also...he is in seminary (?) there....good heavens, I should know what to call it by now. But he is in that gorgeous cathedral all the time...
Have a great week Cheryl. Hugs. :)
Welcome back home.
I'm so glad those snowflakes didn't amount to anything!!
I recognize the tools on the table.......I am spending many nights doing the same thing.
The cathedral is impressive to say the least. I love architecture. We have some old churches here in town that you just have to be in awe of.
It's nice to hear you had a good trip!
I'm so glad you got to see your sister and had such a wonderful time with family. You know that Robyn's in-laws all live in that area and are all connected in one way or another to the university?
Your great niece is beautiful, by the way!
Hey Aunt Cheryl - it was great having you! Small correction: the rumor is that Duke copied the Princeton architecture, not Harvard.
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