I forgot how much I love Panera Bread. Remember when I used to come here all the time? I remember thinking I'd like a little one-person hair salon right inside, curtained off for privacy. I'm at the Panera I met Karen at. The one I lost my cell phone at. The one I hung out at with Bonnie. I love the decor. The colors. The music. The people. Sitting near me right now are two tables of Seniors, talking to each other. One gentleman has a Purple Heart hat and a cane. The other asked where he served. They both thanked each other for serving. One wife has set and teased hair. She and her husband have over-sized glasses. The other wife has beautiful long silver hair. Right now they're talking about all the business that have closed and the way the highways are now compared to how they used to be. It makes me wish my parents were here socializing with another couple. I just love the sense of community at Panera Bread.
I drove the kids to school this morning, then stopped by the body shop I used when I had my accident. The owner's a local guy who's had his business for about 30 years and sometimes buys used cars at auction, fixes what's broke, and sells them for a small profit. Today we talked about a used car for Emily. I have my fingers crossed that he comes up with a perfect car at a great price.
I was almost at my parent's house when I got a call from my father. I was on my way to drive him to his doctor's appointment. Grrrr. The office scheduled him to see a nurse. This morning they looked at his charts and upon seeing how long it had been since he'd been in, they realized he needed to see the doctor. Wish they'd looked sooner. No appointment today. The good thing was that I was able to help him with some stuff while I was at the house. His 'office' is the kitchen table. I'd be embarrassed to show you a picture of what that looks like. Let's just say there's no room to eat. We started going through his piles. We put things to be shredded in a bag, and envelopes, etc in the recycle bin. It was a start. I'll be taking him to doctor's appointments for the next couple of Thursdays, and I plan to chip away at his stuff each time. My mother was very happy with what we did today. She said I was the only one of the kids that my father would let do that, and she's right. We all have our roles.
I went to my dentist today. I knew I had a cavity. One of my molars has been sensitive for weeks. It turns out I had a big crack in the tooth. My great dentist (and cousin-in-law) took out the old huge filling, put some sticky stuff in to hold the tooth together, and replaced the filling. I never mind going to David, my dentist. He's great at giving Novocaine, and he never does anything unnecessarily.
And here I am. Panera's. Sure wish I had a latte in front of me.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
13 hours ago
Its great to have a good dentist. I love mine. I have to go Monday to have a small silver filling replaced.
It sounds like a great place to people watch. One of my favorite past times. I love airports for that sole reason!
Blessings dear.
Sounds like it was a pretty good day, all in all. :)
Good for you, helping your dad with all that pesky paperwork. It does pile up. Even though Mom lived with me for nine years, sometimes things got away from us. In one of her piles, I found a movie someone in our neighborhood had ordered six months before! Mom assumed it was a CD from one of her many tel-evangelists. I'm a chicken, so I sneaked it into the mailbox of the real recipient, hoping no one would see me. :-)
I would have met you there. Really!
Interesting that you're the only child your father acquiesces to. Says a lot about you, I think.
I like Panera Bread as well. They ave such delicious bread too
We like Panera too. I'm sorry about the mixup with your dad's appointment. It was good of you to help your dad out with his papers.
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