I had a great sleep last night. I always worry about sleeping when I'm away from home. I always bring my own pillow. I always bring a fan. I didn't have a fan but I set the thermostat's fan to on. I brought my earplugs. I slept on a mattress in the open den and even slept late. The snow wasn't bad here. Probably about 3" but it only stuck to the car. I cut Millie's hair and then we went to a place called Southern Season. It's a huge gourmet-type of market made up of individual vendors. We took two cars so the 'kids' could leave early to feed Bea and put her to sleep. Ilene and I stayed a long time browsing and eating the samples. Yum. Then we went to a fantastic mall. It had every store possible. In addition it had an outdoor town center shopping area with Barnes and Noble, Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn, Anthropologie, Cheesecake Factory, Apple, etc. We bought jewelery at Macy's. Ilene had a make-over at Clinique. We had hair consultations and back rubs at Aveda. We both bought a lot of clothes at Talbott's. I bought all tops. We shopped till we dropped, then picked up carry-out for dinner. I got to feed Bea her oatmeal after dinner. Ilene and I gave her her bath. She's so cute! Adam and Millie just went out for a Valentine's date. I gave them money to bring home Blizzards for dessert. My skinniness is slowly going away.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
13 hours ago
Isn't it funny when we feed babies....our own mouths are always open. LOL She is simply adorable. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time....the shopping sounds like a dream come true. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy. Be safe.
She is beatiful! I love her name, too. Your day sounds like so much fun. Have a great time today, too.
Hugs. :)
Beautiful child!!! Sounds like you are having a ball!!
Oh Cheryl! She's beautiful! And what a wonderful weekend you're having!
What a pretty baby girl. Babies are little miracles, every one of them. They put a happy face on the world.
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