Finally, we're going to have a real spring day. I'll be out and about, and I'll get to see it and feel it. Those of you who live in my general area know what kind of weather we've been having. We need warm. And sunshine.
It's been a typical weekend for me. You know what those are like. It's been good, though. I've spent good time with my parents. I relaxed. I got a lot done. No complaints.
A few days ago I noticed fallen flower buds from the large pear tree in front of my house scattered around the ground. I'm used to seeing a zillion little stems on the ground after the tree blooms and the petals fall, but not unopened buds. I was looking at the tree from my bathroom window this morning when I noticed a squirrel eating clusters of flower buds. Within minutes, he (I think of all squirrels as male) had stripped an entire branch. I studied the tree. At this point, I'd estimate about 1/5 of the flower buds are gone. That means no leaves will grow from those stems. Who ever heard of a squirrel denuding a tree? Maybe it's the natural order of things? Maybe that tree needed thinning out? We'll see.
I'm off and running. Happy Tuesday!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Can we have a happy Monday first??
Hope you have a wonderful day in the nice weather. We had a teaser last week and it's been raining ever since. Blahhhhhhhhhhh
I am not fond of squirrels anyway. I call them tree rats!
We certainly got our warm spring day today. : )
Love my hair. Thanks!! : )
I agree with Happyone, the squirrels are destructive. We also have chipmunks that are digging holes in the mulch and around the hostas. Aren't chipmunks from the same family? Nasty beasts. Good to hear things are better with your folks, I know it has been on your mind alot. It was nice to get out on this lovely day. I'm looking forward to the time when all days are like this.
Glad you at least enjoyed the temps if not the pesky rodents!
This is an awesome blog. My mother told me about it.
You may know her blog, but not sure.
Keep up the good blogging. This blog rocks!
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