What a day! It went smooth as could be, much to our relief! My brother (with the help of my nephew Ryan) loaded up his truck with my father's bed, kitchen table (his 'office'), and other big items that were going to The Annapolitan. I followed shortly after with a loaded-up car. In the meantime, my sister drove to the doctor's to get forms my parent's needed, and then to the bank to sign more forms. My brother and I set up my father's room, and got everything in their suite perfect. My sister, Amanda, and my parents arrived, but we made them wait downstairs till we were ready for the 'reveal'. It was perfect!
Here's a link to pictures from the day. Click on 'slideshow' to get the best view.
We really love this place. The staff is unbelievable. Everyone is SO nice. Here's an example... The toilet in their bathroom is really low. We brought a raised seat that fits over the rim to bring it up about 6", but we realized that wasn't going to work for a man. If you know what I mean. My brother spoke to Donald, the amazing handyman, and said we would be happy to buy a new toilet if they could install it. Donald talked to the director, and the next thing we knew, Donald was off to buy it. By evening, it was installed at no cost to us. I'll be sending a thank-you card in the morning. Here's another...at lunch my mother told the chef that she likes hazelnut creamer in her coffee. He went to the store and bought one creamer for her suite and another for the dining room. It seems too good to be true. What convinces me is that every resident we've met says they love it there.
My mother was laying down when I left. My father was watching TV. I got partway to the elevator, then went back. I told my father he should come downstairs, that he didn't need to stay in his room. He wandered around the library for a while, picking out books, then walked outside. He was sitting on the porch chatting with some other residents as I drove away.
So far, so good. Happy sigh.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Cheryl these people sound like angels -- all of them!!! This is all such good news. And your dad was socializing!! This has to be good for him.
The perfect solution to a difficult situation. I know it is worth all the stress and hard work to see your parents content and safe..
The Annapolitan has to be like family because that is where your parents are living, it is important to have a good fit. You've got to be relieved, no more worries about falls. Cheryl, one question, a fishtank in the bathroom, is that safe? Good to see you smile...I can hear the happiness in your writing (Happy Days Are Here Again is playing :)
I'm so happy for them.....and for YOU. There is nothing better than knowing that the ones you love are contented and safe. This place sounds like a dream. Big happy hugs.
What a great set up! I am so happy for you that you found such an awesome place for your parents. You must feel like a ton off bricks is off of your shoulders.
It sounds as if you picked the perfect place for your parents to be. : ) You must be so relieved now that they are settled in and happy to be there.
Now maybe you can get back to some kind of normal routine in your life.
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