I wish I could write every day. Well, of course, I could. I just don't take the time, and when I'm ready, all my creative juices are gone.
It's the night before my parents move. I realize, tonight, that I've only been thinking about them and what this move will mean for them. I didn't realize the loss I would feel. The fear. My parents are leaving the house they've been in for 49 years. My house. I wonder how that will affect me? I spent last night there. My last night. Tomorrow I imagine I'll be the one to drive them to their new home. My brother and sister took off of work, so we'll all be together. I'm thinking it might be good for us to say good-bye when my parents are busy. I wonder if they'll cry? I'm so glad we all live close by (except one). We'll still be together, just at another place.
Time to lighten up!!! I had two ceiling fans installed today. I had three rooms wired for cable. I had a light switch fixed. I got up on an extension ladder and scooped out flower petals and debris that were clogging up a gutter. It was gross! What I scooped out smelled like elephant. Phew. I did a little gardening: weeded out pear tree seedlings and pulled out spent tulips. We had a crazy thunderstorm that we watched from inside the garage. I had a sloppy cheesesteak for the second night in a row. Am I trying to gain weight? The people I work with would be shocked. Really. They only see me eat salad. I watched TV (The Office) with Emily and Phil, then a few episodes of TV off the DVR. And that's my day. I'm tired, which is a great thing. I feel like it's the night before camp...nervous and excited and homesick already.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I've missed your posts. I look forward to hearing how tomorrow goes. You are the strong one, you lead, everyone will follow. I'll be thinking about you and praying all goes well.
Good luck tomorrow. I know what you are going through.
Transitions are always hard to face, are they not? I send your family much loved as you all move on together, one step further down life's road.
Stay in the moment... strength and clarity will follow.
I know how hard this must be for you. Praying for your strength -
Have a great day and work on the positives. Big hugs friend. :)
Good luck with the move.
Since I'm a not-too-distant neighbor, we had the same brief, end-of-the-world storm. I'm glad it cleared in time for a soggy Easter egg hunt for our 3-year-old grandson. His uncle, dropping a hint about the location of an egg, pointed at the flower bed and said, "I see a bunny foot-print." Nathaniel said, "Not a bunny! That's an egg."
Hope the move went well.
I've been thinking about and praying.
I'll be thinking of you. It will be emotional, but it'll be ok because love is where the family is. Big hugs.
AAAHHH...yes, this is a really 'big' thing -- this move and all it represents, but it is a good thing for your parents to improve the quality of their lives.
And it sounds like you had a busy day!!! "A sloppy cheeseteak" ??? Is this something you make?
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