I was out and walking at 6:15 this morning. I knew if I didn't do it then that I wouldn't walk at all today. I thought of Karen and Elizabeth walking, and that helped. Before I knew it, 45 minutes had passed, and I was home. I spent about a half hour watering, then put my fan on the porch, along with my laptop and a cup of coffee. I had my annual AC service call scheduled for today between 7:30 and noon. I decided to check on my filter before the tech came and found water leaking out of the furnace and into my sump well. How amazing is that? I have a problem on the same day I have a service call? I think it about makes up for my bad luck last week with the money. Anyway, I came outside to hang out on the porch with my computer. As I'm sitting there, I'm thinking it doesn't feel too bad out. It's in the 80's already, but I'm in the shade, and there's a really nice breeze. Then I remember I have a fan set up about 6" from my knees. I'm happy I can amuse myself. Believe me, these days I need all the *amusement I can get.
So, the AC guy shows up, and down we go to the basement. Turns out the coolant was low which caused the coils to freeze into a solid block of ice, and the water on the floor was some melt-off. He had to turn the HEAT on to melt it all. Then he put the coolant in and tested the coils for leaks, and it all seems fine. I didn't lower the thermostat, and the house feels cooler than it has in days. I spoke to the tech about my upstairs heat problem. He looked at the duct work in the basement and showed me all the shortcuts that were taken in the building process. I'd have to have major work done to get the air to flow in an efficient way way upstairs. He recommended an additional AC unit for the upstairs. I think I'm going to continue to deal with it, as I have for the past 15 years. I'm going to look into a free-standing electric AC unit. I'm going to buy the reflective film you can put on your windows.

Preheat oven to 400. Line a rimmed cookie sheet with foil. Line every bit of that pan with saltine crackers. Mine took exactly 5 rows of 8 crackers for a total of 40. Combine 1 cup of packed light brown sugar with 2 sticks of butter and bring to a boil. Boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Spread over crackers, then bake for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle a 12 oz bag of milk chocolate chips on top. Wait 5 minutes, then spread the melted chips. Refrigerate or put in freezer. When cool, invert, peel off foil, and break into pieces. It is wondrously good, and about as easy as can be. I took 3 little pieces home from my book club meeting, and let everyone else take the rest.
It's all of a sudden breezy out here, and it's not just the fan. It's a nice place to be. I have no plans for the day. I might just bring my new book out here and read for a while. It's 90 degrees now, at 10:30, and it's supposed to be about 100 degrees today, so it's now or never with being outside. Em's inside...it's her first real day of summer vacation. Did I mention she and her old *boyfriend are back together?
It is always a treasure to get a new post from you, you know that? I am thanking my lucky stars for cold AC these days. It has been unbearably hot here in the Deep South. Glad you are walking. I need to start back. I used to walk for miles everyday. Take care dear friend and stay cool!
He recommended a second unit for the upstairs? I guess I called that one! LOL ;-)
My sister put some tinting on the windows in their master bedroom and she said it made a real difference. Their room faces due East so the morning sun beats down into the room. The other rooms get the evening sun so they're gonna to the same thing with those windows too.
Glad your unit is still good, mine is 20 yrs and I have to baby it. My dad charges it up a couple times a summer it makes a big difference. You might try room darkening shades if you don't use the room much it lowers the temp alot. The cracker candy looks yummy will try. Summer is here!
You know, I tried making that candy awhile back (I saw the recipe in the Kraft magazine - is that where you got it?), but mine tasted really burned. I also didn't think it made enough butter to spread over all the crackers. Wish I could come watch you make it so I can see what I'm doing wrong.
Hang in there, summer has just started. :)
Perfect timing!!
Glad to hear you got out and walked and that thinking of me helped. :-) My walk in the woods this was actully pretty cool.
The cracker candy looks and sounds delicious and easy to make. I will be giving it a try one of these days.
The kids here go to school through Friday.
Hey there - Let me know what kinda A/C unit you want and I'll see if I can get it for you at cost and have it shipped to you.
So do you like the boyfriend ?
Wish you could spread that heat around - It's in the 50's again today and STILL raining!
Sounds like a great way to start the day.
Glad you had a call already on the books for the AC. I can only imagine how miserable it is with the heat and the AC not working. I think it happened once or twice back in my Texas days.
Hope everything else is well. (((HUGS)))
What luck to have a service call just when you have a problem!! It usually happens for me that the service guy comes one day and the NEXT day I have a problem!
That recipe sounds interesting. I'm dieting tho, so I'll save it and try it when I'm svelte and willowy! Well, on second thought, since I've NEVER been svelte and willowy a day in my chubby life, I'll try it next time I'm off my diet...LOL
The cracker candy looks yummy! Bummer about the AC. The upstairs in my house is really hot, too, and our house is barely four years old! We have ceiling fans, blackout drapes, etc., but nothing stops the heat from rising. It's been terribly muggy here, too, so I'm feeling your pain there, but the temperatures aren't quite as hot as what you have (yet).
Our AC has been behaving iffily since we began needing it about a month ago. I sure hope it makes it through the season because we are in the triple digits every day now. Fortunately one of our neighbors is an HVAC man and if we have a problem he's so sweet to run over and troubleshoot. So far it's been nothing serious ... much like the problem you had.
When I read last night that you were making cracker candy, I so hoped you would provide the recipe! Thank you! It has been years since I had this and I think my mother-in-law has the recipe but I didn't want to make her fuss and rummage in order to find it! I've printed it and I'm going to make it soon.
Old boyfriends have a way of resurfacing don't they?
Your time on the porch sounds wonderful.
Cracker candy, yum.
Old boyfriends have a way of resurfacing don't they?
Your time on the porch sounds wonderful.
Cracker candy, yum.
Your candy looks great - I will have to try it.
I can't believe how hot it is there already, that's pretty unusual for your area, isn't it?
I love the way your day sounded, so peaceful and relaxing.
Hope your evening is wonderful, too!
Mom, he was never old.
So what is Emily doing with her Summer, Cheryl? Besides hanging out with her new "Old Boyfriend"?
Hope you have a beautiful day!
You're right Em, he was never old!
Oh, the perils of being a homeowner. And today it's 100 degrees (so far). I love what you call cracker candy. We always called it "bark." Good luck to Em and her beau.
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