I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Then I stared. What the heck was this man doing? At first I thought he was brushing something off his book. Then I realized he was holding a bookmark, and sweeping every line. I think he was speed reading. The sleuth in me took out my camera, and slyly took this video. What do you think?
A Ram and Geese
30 degrees this morning and windy with snow showers
on and off during my walk.
Sunrise 6:41
Morning Walk Steps 11,451
Walked through town making some side ...
5 hours ago
He's doing it awfully fast but it does look like speed reading. Except he didn't start at the top of the page or go all the way to the right side edge.
What ever it is, it's puting him to sleep.
Either he's speedreading or he has one heck of a nervous tic. No matter which, the yawn indicates that he's not too excited about it.
Do you think maybe he's just trying to attract attention?
I don't think that's a tic...we see plenty of then here at Tourette's Central, and it doesn't look like a tic. What ever it is, it's kind of un-nerving and odd.
It looks like Parkinson's to me, not being mean, but just been around some one who has it.
He probably thinks you're stalking him!
I was stealthy like a cat. Incognito. Fascinated.
He seems to be going a bit too fast with the hand to be speed reading. At least he doesn't seem to be reading as fast as the hand is moving. Maybe it's something else.
He might be scanning for information that he remembers reading but can't remember what page it's on. I have to do that all the time . . . but I don't use that particular method.
Thanks for all the love and support you've been sending my way. You're such a sweetheart!
I have no idea what he is doing but it is fascinating that is for sure.
I think he has problem keeping track of what he reads. So he uses his hands to keep his place.
Could he be using one of those pen scanners?
It's so much fun to catch up over here! Your tomatoes are looking beautiful. I'm glad you got to join in the DC festivities last week. I didn't but I know several people who were dreading going and but were all really glad they did because of all the energy and excitement. I hope your knee is feeling better...?
I don't think it is speed reading. But lucky you for getting some downtime!
Wow, I have no idea what he's doing. If it was a tic, wouldn't he do it all the time. His hand stops shaking when he changes pages. I'll bet he's coloring. Or writing graffiti in a library book. Or underlining the dirty parts.
Gee, I really don't know. But it is interesting.
Learning how to color within the lines?
Be careful driving this morning.
That was really interesting. Makes me wonder, and I have no idea what he was doing. Now, I wish you had asked him. LOLOL
"Excuse me sir, what on earth are you doing?"
No, that wouldn't have worked.
Love that you are so sly...
Nervous Tic. Probably a very interesting plot and he is very, into it.
Actually what he's doing is filming people that film him when he's doing that ridiculous motion.
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