The morning started out with my thinking the house had been egged. There were globs of yucky yellowish-greenish stuff on my front window screen and window and on the siding above it. It wasn't egg. It was poop. I'm thinking it came from this brat:

This picture doesn't do it justice because you can't see what the window looks like. I used the jet spray on the hose and a towel and got it all off. How could she have gotten it there? The roof overhangs the house by a few feet. It will remain a mystery.

Here's what the nest looks like now with all the eggs buried and covered with duck down.

I went to the ENT for the worrisome throat issues I've been having that I didn't write about. All is well. I need to double-up on my reflux meds. Here's a pic of the instrument he uses to examine your throat and other stuff on the way down your esophagus. The doctor came into the room just as I was about to take this shot. I was a little embarrassed but asked if he minded and he said go right ahead. It looks pretty scary, but you just say Ahhh, and it slides right down and you truly don't feel a thing. Plus he said it doesn't go all the way down. I really like this doctor and like that I have insurance that I don't need referrals for. I thanked him for all the time he took with me.

I dropped my MRI film at the orthopedist whose office is in the same building as my ENT. Apparently the results he was faxed were inconclusive and they needed to see the film. So, still no word on that.
Karen (Happyone) met me at my house. Her birthday is at the end of the month, and I wanted to celebrate it with her and give her my gift. I knew that she collected Russian nesting dolls, and had seen one on The Pioneer Woman's blog from the store Anthropologie that is actually porcelain measuring cups when opened. I was as excited to give the gift to her as she was to receive it.

We went to Pachanga Grill and sat outside for lunch, then went here and there. It was great to spend the day with her.
I took Emily to work and have been getting my Vitamin K our here on the deck for the past few hours. Like I said, I'm in the shade now, and I wish I didn't have to get up and make dinner and pick Emily up, but that's life, and it's good. Especially since I know that after dinner I'll be sitting out on the porch enjoying that view with my laptop on my.....lap.
Great Day! Wish you had more definitive word on the MRI, however. Poopy duck!
I love your duck, although I'm sure you could do without the poop on the windows.
Your day sounds like it was perfect.
That makes me smile.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs. :)
Thanks so much for the nesting porcelain measuring cups. I love them and have them sitting out on my counter.
It was great spending the day with you my friend. :-)
Glad to hear that things are well health wise. maybe you should celebrate with some BBQ "duck".
I love ducks, they are so cute. We don't see many ducks here in the desert, but there is a pond on the golf course nearby where some ducks do gather.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
hi Cheryl, your spot on the porch sounds heavenly. enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!
I hope the ducklings are cute when they come. You're certainly putting up with a lot from the mother!
that bird was playing duck duck poop with your house. :) Sounds like a great day.I love those nesting nice that you two can hang're a good friend Cheryl..have I thanked you for being such a good one? deserve all the happiness in the world. :)
p.s I am one hour behind it's 212am here in my hospital bed.
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