I said I'd write when I had some caffeine in me, so here's the writing. I'm going to see if my muse arrives as I write. I'm hoping.
I'm just home from Border's. I had my latte but something was missing. It was probably just that I was hungry. I felt a little restless. I read Consumer Reports and that was interesting. I downloaded a few free apps that were recommended in a iPhone magazine. That's how I usually find my apps. I went through the new Big Lots! store afterward. I'll go back on Tuesday before work and pick up some stocking-stuffers.
It's 5:30 and I just realized I never ate lunch. No wonder I feel so out-of-sorts. BRB. Will yogurt do the trick? I don't think my house has ever been emptier of food. I threw out an ashamedly-large amount of food when I went in search of non-perisibles for Emily's school food drive. Then I donated a lot. Then we collected non-perishables at my book club meeting, so I donated more. And lately I haven't felt like going grocery shopping. It's been cold out! So...not much food here. That doesn't mean the freezer isn't full. We're not starving. And actually, it will be good to have an empty refrigerator because....
My big holiday party is next Saturday night. I need to start planning the menu. I need to make shopping lists. I need to start cooking. The house is decorated and ready to go. It's clean, but I'm sure I'll have it pretty spotless. I love hosting this party every year. I sent out e-vites and most everyone has responded.
Work has been busy! Fortunately, there's been no more color mishaps or stresses like a few weeks ago. Just normal very busy. The shop is decorated for the season with poinsettias everywhere. Pam, owner extraordinaire, keeps these plants looking perfect. They still look brand new when they're thrown away after New Year's Day.
I've gotten most of my holiday shopping done. Fortunately I don't have many people to buy for. Emily wants clothes, and I've shunned the gift card route this year. She knows she can return anything and my feelings won't be hurt. I hope she wants to keep more than she wants to return, but we'll see. I hope I know her tastes at least a little.
Tonight is the salon party at Pam and Mason's house. As soon as I'm done writing I'll start getting ready. Rob came with me last year, and it was the first time my co-workers met him. It was the first time anyone saw me with a date. Tonight he's visiting his son and parents in PA, so I'll be going solo. He should be at my party next week. After that, he'll be working every weekend. Boo. More about that later.
I wish I had something really exciting to write about, but the muse has escaped me. Still, I did manage to get a lot of words onto this page. Woohoo for me. And as an aside, the yogurt didn't work.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
6 hours ago
Enjoy the party! I'll bet your parties are extraordinary! I gasped when you said the poinsettias got thrown out in January. Does no one want to give them a home?
Enjoy your festivities. Stay warm and happy!
I've always wondered about that....what would happen it someone "kept" poinsettias...do they die after the holidays? I've never been able to keep one looking good for long...so I've never kept one either. Have a wonderful time at the party and I know your own party will be a great success. Don't forget to post pics!!!
I think back when...people kept poinsettias. They're really not meant to be house plants in our part of the world. They're spindly and not so attractive. Nowadays they're just throw-aways. The party was great tonight!
I think you should just duplicate Kathy's menu for your own party!!
I adore your attitude Cheryl. I strive to have just a fraction of your positivity.
Ho Ho Ho
I'm sure everything in your house will be spotless for the party.
Does yogurt EVER work?
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