It's the eve of 2011. I'm going to miss typing 2010, although it will be easier to enter the digits for 2011. Gee, what will I do with the millisecond saved by not having to stretch my finger from 1 to 0? I'll have to write a new post in the morning just to type 1-1-11.
I was trying to remember what I did last New Year's Eve. I was sure it was the early movie and dinner. I did a search on my blog and came up with this nice post. How could I have forgotten? Being able to pull this up from my 'online diary' reminds me of why I love having a blog.
So it's a year later. Rob is sitting on the couch, on facebook, on my laptop. I'm using Emily's MacBook on the recliner. We're in pajamas at 6PM. We're still a happy couple more than a year later. Who would have thought it? We're still taking it one day at a time...enjoying the here and now.
It's been a year of ups and downs. That's life, right? It's been a hard year for my parent's, health-wise. That's been the hard part of life for me and my siblings. I've had two friends lose their sons to suicide. I have two friends who have kids that can't kick addictions. I feel very blessed that I have my health. My relationship with my daughter is so much better this year. I'm in a relationship with a guy who adores me and treats me like I'm the best person he's ever met. I have great friends. I love my job. I'm happy.
I'm ready to cook dinner. I have crab cakes chilling in the fridge, ready to be pan-fried. I've never made crab cakes before but they have to be great, right? A pound of backfin crabmeat, a tablespoon of mayo and one of mustard, an egg and a package of Old Bay crab cake mix. Some fresh broccoli and red potatoes, and there's our holiday dinner. Yummo. We'll watch TV and maybe a movie. Sounds like a great way to ring in the new year to me.
I hope whatever you're doing, that you do it with a smile on your face. I wish you a happy 2011 (which, btw, was very easy to type).
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I hadn't thought about 1-1-11. Cool.
I am glad I found your blog a few years back. I always enjoy your posts and admire you. I am so happy for you and Rob. We all told you it would get better for you and EM and I am so glad it happened before she went to college!
Happy New Year Cheryl and every time I type 2011, I will think of you. :-)
It has been an interesting year and a sensational decade -- and I don't mean 'sensational' in a good way.
By the way, Seth mentioned you in his blog!!
I bought lump crab meat (14 dollars at Costco!!) for tomorrow for us -- what a coincidence! We're having crab dip and baked brie for dinner -- and maybe some veggies. I know your crab cakes will be great.
Happy New Year, Cheryl!!
How was dinner? And just look at us, New Years Eve spent scribbling on each other's blogs....
I'm stoked for a new year!! Eleven / Yellow. It's like a crap shoot. YO ELEVEN...Oh Yellow.
Happy New Year Cheryl and Rob!!
Dinner was delicious! And Rob and I are on separate computers doing our thing. Hello. It's almost yellow and a half. Two thousand yellow. It's an inside thing. Kathy....Safeway had the crab for $9.99. A bargain. I'll definitely make it again. I've eaten so many Rheb's chocolates that I'm on a big sugar high.
Yes, who would have thought that you'd be sitting there with a guy you adore, and I'd be here with mine, enjoying a quiet cozy advent of the new year? Life is indeed good my friend, and we are blessed in ways we never even dreamed of! Happy New Year to You and Rob!!
I love to read your beginnings posts, I re-read last years and then went to this one. You are inspiring and amazing. Have a beautiful 2011. And yes, I have to admit, I like typing that better than ten. Big, big new years hugs. :)
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