This is going to be a quick this and that post. The reason? I really want to read my book. Actually, listen to it. I'm a huge fan of audio books. I'm never, ever without one in my car. It's all I listen to while I'm on the road. This particular book is so good that I downloaded it from the library website to my laptop so I could listen to it in my house. The book is Gods in Alabama. The narrator is superb! If you've never listened to an audio book, this would be a great one to start with. This book 'got' me from the first sentence.
I spent most of today in a shopping center. I shopped, I ate, I browsed. I browsed Pier 1. Didn't buy anything, but I hadn't been in that store for years. They have great stuff. I browsed Radio Shack. Just because. I love electronics, and though I wasn't in the market for anything, I loved seeing all the stuff. I browsed the Hallmark store. Again, really nice. It was more of a gift store than a card store. I returned something to Marshall's and bought my Christmas cards for next year. This was the first year I didn't send out cards and I didn't like that at all. I browsed HomeGoods. I grocery shopped. I went to my friend Kit's. I came home and browsed blogs while eating brownies for dinner. And here I am.
This is a short work week for me. I would normally work today, my day off, because I'm off on Saturday. I forgot to schedule myself. We're closing early tomorrow and I should have scheduled myself to start work at 9 since I finish at 2:00. Instead? I'm working 11-2. A big 'ole 3 hour day. How fun. Really. I might just drink coffee at work. Live dangerously!
Rob is coming tonight and will stay for a few days, yea! He's started a new job and weekends are not in our future. We'll have a quiet New Year's. I'll cook. Maybe go to the movies? The eve is such a non-event for me. It's clients all say, the salon must be so busy for New Year's Eve. It is SO not. People don't have their hair done for NY's Eve anymore. That was in the olden days.
Speaking of hair...there was someone sitting in the reception area on Wednesday that had an inch of dark roots with pumpkin orange hair. She must have been waiting for someone getting their hair done. It was awful! Then there was the young client with long black hair who had the last 5" colored primary red. It was not a pretty sight. Thankfully, all my clients have 'normal' hair, and that's the way I like it.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
6 hours ago
Enjoy your time with Rob. Forget everything else.
Happy New year to you two...
They should make those lovelies sit out back of the salon!
Funny, I thought the salon would be really busy, too.
We'll have an early dinner out and then a quiet, read my book, have a glass of sherry, early night.
Happy New Year, dear Cheryl!
Your last line made me chuckle out loud!
I love a day to just hang out in a shopping center and browse, have lunch, and wonder around. Sounds like a good day to me!
Happy New Year to you and Rob and Em! Enjoy your time together!
Let me see if I can remember everything I want to comment.
You and Fiwa are like two peas in a pod when it comes to audio books. She always has one playing too. I used to listen to them before I got satellite radio.
Do you think the book would be as good in written form as it is in audio? I'm always on the hunt for a good read.
Sounds like you had a delightful day today. I tend to find a lot of good odds and ends + room spray at Pier 1.
Live dangerously on your day short day. Enjoy the time with Rob. NYE is a non event for me too. There are some years it is work related but honestly going out and "doing it big" doesn't appeal to me anymore. We're doing an adult slumber party at a friend's house with just the closet pack members and their significant others. I'll be in my onsie monkey footed pjs before 8 PM.
As for hair, thank you for the reminder. I had to cancel my day after Christmas appointment and boy howdy, the sparkles are large and in charge!
Happy New Year to you, Em, and Rob. xoxo my friend.
As you already know I'm not crazy about audio books. Can't listen to them in the car - too busy driving and I can never follow them.
I love Pier 1 Imports - I don't buy things there either, but I love to look at all the stuff!
Happy New Year to you, Emily and Rob too. :-)
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