I'm finally home after a long day, set up with my stuff on the porch. Tired. I'm not often tired. I'll hang out here for a while...there's probably about 15 minutes of daylight left.
I was commenting on someone's blog recently about sitemeters. I used to check mine every day, or more than once every day. I was happiest when I had a lot of visitors, and a little let down when I didn't. When Andrew put a blurb
about me and a link in his sidebar, my numbers increased. I felt a little popular, on a very small scale. After a while, my name settled further down on his list, and my numbers decreased. And I was a little dejected. Pretty silly, huh? I rarely look at my sitemeter anymore, because it doesn't matter. I'm so fortunate to have the friends I've made here, to be part of what I consider a fantastic circle of friends, that the numbers mean nothing. Or almost nothing :) I love getting comments, and I thank all of you who take the time to leave a 'hello.' And that's my thoughts on the sitemeter subject. And I'll probably check it as soon as I sign off.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
12 hours ago
I've never been interested in my sitemeter - just thankful for the friends I've made here and the comments I receive. I go for quality reather than quantity anytime.
Was busy and didn't comment on your revised tomato cage. Neat. Hope you have a heavy crop. Nothing like tomatoes that are vine ripened and sammonella free for sure.
I always enjoy looking at my sitemeters to see where people land on my blog. The page I get the most hits is the one I wrote when I stopped coloring my hair.
Rest up!
I used to look at my sitemeter all the time too, but now not so much. I do find it interesting to see where the people come from though. It's so cool to have blogging friends from all over.
I too feel fortunate to part of the blogging world and have made the friends that I have.
I'll toast to blog friends! Enjoy your evening. :)
I understand the feeling. I'm am horrible at commenting but I do read your blog every day. It may not show up on sitemeter, however, since I usually read from my google page instead of coming directly to your blog.
Yours has become one of my favorites. I wish I had half the energy that you do!
I put a sitemeter on mine I don't know why except now I know my kid checks up on me from college. I just like knowing where people are coming from. Have a nice restful night and I always love to hear about your day.
My entire self-worth is measured in how many hits my sitemeter says I have been getting.
Okay, maybe not. But, it is fun to check every once in a while.
i think my numbers went up when andrew put me on his list too-- but then he took me off. :(( and of course the numbers went down,. but then i met some really cool peeps and , like i said before-- i've got to the point i rarely look anymore-- prety much just when i'm bored and want to see what people google to get there--- i am amazed sometimes.
strange folks lurkin around out there in blogland. hmmm.
i hope you have a great friday!
Blogging can trigger numbers obsession and no mistake! I check my sitemeter about twice a day but just out of curiosity. Blogging is therapeutic and even though it's fun if lots of people read, it's just as fun if only a few read. I'm always happy to find an excellent blog like yours! Most enjoyable reading.
I look at mine every couple of days. What really intrigues me is when some one oversea has visited. I always wonder how the found me.
I've settled into getting about 400 readers a day and none of them comment. I would trade them any day for the wonderful commenter's you have. Hope your well friend.
I went through the exact same thing as you did Cheryl! I rarely look at sitemeter either. I have found I don't need others to promote my blog. I am fine with it because my blog is my own and I don't care whether people think it is boring or not. That is why they created that little red X in the top right hand corner of the computer screen. If you don't like, get lost.
I love your blog and I try and comment as much as I can. I think you and I are similar when it comes to commenting. We really want to comment on everyone's blog, but sometimes time gets the better of us.
Anyway, hope you have a fantastic weekend!
What an interesting thing to have on your blog. A live traffic feed. I was happy to learn how to down load photos on mine. ;-}
I am spending the day being a domestic diva. Laundry, pay some bills, grocery shopping. I spent an hour in the gym this morning. I am declaring it a beach weekend. Weather permitting. The kids are heading to central Florida for Fathers day weekend with their Dad. So peace and quiet will be nice.
My puppies are curled up sleeping away the afternoon on the sofa and chair. It's too hot to be outside right now.
I hope you have an awesome weekend.
I said "Bah!" to the sitemeter. I got a little goofy, checking it all the time. I'm happier just having a few friendly folks stop by and leave occasional comments! Reading comments is a lot more fun than just looking at numbers.
I don't check my meter anymore as I think I've gotten rid of my stalker by moving. I'm actually thinking of getting rid of the whole blog thing. I'd miss everyone, especially you. Depression just takes the fun out of everything.
Have a happy Saturday. Beach time for me is July 13th. I can't wait for some fried shrimp and chili dogs.
AWWWWWWWW I love what Andrew said!! And its true, it's not quantity but quality and I know I for one adore you lovie!!
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