I'm sitting on my deck instead of my porch. My neighbor Steve has his car up on blocks, and has two neighbor guys sitting out there with him drinking beer. I didn't feel right sitting on the porch with my laptop. No hummers tonight :( It's a beautiful night. It's been a gorgeous week. I'm so thankful.
I went to Dairy Queen the other night and had a strawberry cheesecake Blizzard. I can't stop thinking about going back for another one. Yum. Anyone have a DQ nearby? A favorite Blizzard flavor?
The day flew by, and I actually got off a little early. I didn't go to Borders :( I felt like I should be home, because of 'things'. As it turned out, I was here alone. I had to call Verizon about some computer issues, and felt good that I got that accomplished. The technician was great. He taught me all about parental controls on the computer, helped me wire my DVD player, program my remote, and fix a wireless problem I was having. And he was American!
There's a commercial on the radio station we listen to at work that I just hate. It's for something called Total Transformation, a system to fix behavioral problems with your kids, and they repeat the 1-800 number at least 6 times in a row. Well, my friend Laura came over this week and gave me her copy of the CD's. The same CD's as in the commercial. I've only listened to the first, actually 3 times so far, and it's fantastic. Common sense. I wish I'd had them years ago. So, I'm listening and learning.
Thanks for all the comments about my 100 things. Jennifer...we do have a lot in common. Mo...I'd love to have your help with my closets. Diane...wasn't John Denver the best? I can't believe this is my 615th post and that was my 100th. How did that time fly by so quickly?
Happy Sunday
📖 Romans 12:2 and 3 📖
And be not conformed to this world:
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is ...
16 hours ago
It sure was a nice day today. We sat out on the porch too.
btw - I'm surprised I haven't heard of The Colorado Kid. I'll have to read that one. I like Stephen King too but a lot of times I don't like the endings of his books.
Your blizzard sounds good - but I'm not really an icecream person. I like chips and salty things. Strangely enough, this week the thing I can't stop thinking about getting more of is tomatoes. I had the MOST delicious heirloom tomato that I bought from the farmer's market, and I can't wait for Thursday to roll around again so I can get more.
I'm glad you found the CDs and that you're getting something out of them. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.
I hope you have a peaceful weekend.
How wonderful that your friend lent you the material and that it is helping you. Sometimes answers come from unexpected places. That Blizzard sounds so good. I love a DQ Peanut Buster Parfait ...
I'm so glad you found something that is helping. Maybe they just need to work on their advertising a bit more. Our weather was gray all day, but warm, so it was good. I LOVE DQ strawberry cheesecake blizzards. Those are my fave's!!
615 posts?! Holy cow, that's a lot! Keep it up, cuz I love hearing from you!
i am so glad that i can leave you and come back and find you still happy and in love with blizzards.
have a great day, girlita!
Congratulations on getting a lot resolved with that technician. And it's really great that your friend loaned you those CDs. I hope they're helpful.
Strawberry cheesecake blizzard??? Oh I gotta go to DQ now!
Have you had the Ben & Jerry's strawberry cheesecake ice cream? It's amazing. I was actually looking for some last night at the store, but they didn't have any and I was disappointed. So, I may go to DQ today and get a blizzard.
The last twelve pounds I gained during my pregnancy can be directly related to DQ's Strawberry Cheesequake blizzards. I didn't have many cravings, but during my last trimester, I lost all self-control and probably ate 3 blizzards a week. My husband was a trooper, even running out to DQ one night right as they were closing--he begged them to stay open, pleading that he had a very pregnant wife at home. The boy working gave him the biggest blizzard they could make, complete with extra toppings. I ate it and went to bed. The heartburn was so worth it!
oh I wish I could eat DQ... one there isn't one nearby and 2 *grunt* let's just say me and milk don't get along.
615 posts eh? What a mark to hit! And you have such a vibrant little community over here, no wonder you've hit it!
Let's see, 3 drunk guys working on 1 vehicle... I don't forsee much work getting done on that vehicle anytime soon. Especially if they're 3 sheets to the wind already, then they're definitely not going to get anything done! Imagine if that vehicle could talk... lmao
I've thought about doing one of those lists like you did back on your 100 and just reposted, but I'm not nearly as exciting as you! lol
I hope you can enjoy the outdoors, I might just go back to sleep... wait, no I can't, then I'll REALLY be all screwed up tonight. Perhaps you need to come down here for a party!
I try and stay away from DQ....that is Sin City for me!! But my favorite blizzard of all was Brownie Batter. OMG...it was soooooo good. I don't know if they still have it or not. This Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard sounds awfully good....as I meander toward my local DQ. Have a great Sunday, Cheryl.
I don't do DQ much anymore, but I used to love a Butterfinger Blizzard! I would usually opt for a marshmellow sundae with nuts tho!
It's amazing how fast time goes when you blog. I started mine about a year ago and already have almost 300 entries. Of course, I'm doing Blog365 and so far, I'm keeping up!
Blogging is such a neat way to meet great people!
I came over to see how the Twitter thing was working out for you. It's not working is it? Let me/us know if you got it to work.
I hope you have a good week.
mornin cheryl--
i so get hat -- "i need to be home" thing... and for what? ugh. happens all the time here too. sorry you're havin a rough time-- maybe it's a summer thing? like the flu season? cuz my kid has it too :((
i hope things get easier for ya --
anyhow- not sure what cd's you have-- can ya get them in the mail? what's it called? maybe i need em too?
hope you have a relaxing day today?
coffee? hummingbirds? a good book? cool breeze?
am i missin anything?
oh-- thanks for the tip-- maybe i'll go find some feeders today-- i know just the place- :))
Well that worked out well, how cool that your friend had the CDs to give you!
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