Alright, I'll admit it, as pesky as those squirrels are, they're lots of fun to watch. And I encourage them by leaving out food. In this picture the squirrel is feasting on leftover waffles. Hey, I was taught not to throw away food! So, they're entertaining rodents, and my tomatoes were protected from them, but still, I don't want them sharing my house with me. It seems they're living in my gutters. At least that's what I think. They scurry over the roof, sounding like workers putting up shingles. They climb up and down the corner of my house on the siding to get to the deck and back to the roof. They fly through the air to get to the trees. A whole bunch of family and friends. So, I'm having a handyman here on Thursday to go to my roof and look for a nest. Maybe cut branches too. The squirrels can visit, but they can't stay. You think they'll listen?
Oh, good luck. It's worrisome when rodents begin eyeing your house as a potential winter retreat.
Would YOU leave if some kind soul was leaving you waffles? (You made waffles for b-fast during the week? Wow!)
Our squirrels yell at us. They sit in the trees and make a barking noise. They particularly don't like Miss Lilly and you can always hear when she's stalking them. I wouldn't mention feeding them to the handyman or your going to get one of 'those' looks.
Squirrels are cute - but they can be destructive as hell. When we first moved into our house I planted 50 tulip bulbs. The squirrels dug every single one of them up and tossed 'em on the ground. Every new plant I planted for the first couple of years too. They've stopped now - I don't know if it's because Bitsy is around so much or what.
I hope they're not building nests - maybe your roof is just a crosswalk.
Nope, I don't think so! My mother had them in her attic...and they were hellish to convince to leave.
Good luck with yours. They're cute...but they need to go home!
Entertaining, but totally destructive.
My squirrel mocks my kitties. They don't go outside, so the squirrel will sit right outside the window and chatter at the cats which drives them CRAZY!!!
Cute pic!
Great shot! I love that you feed the squirrels, they are so fun to watch!!!
Fun to watch. Terrible to live with. If these pests ever get in your attic the smell will drive you out of your home. I do feed (far away from the house) them about the time they'd have young. It helps to keep them out of the bird feeders.
Ummm. No. Ha!
gee, i wonder if one of them is LGS. i haven't seen him on the blogs lately.
YES! I could watch them all day. I just love how they move, and how their tails are so graceful.
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