I spoke to my painter friend today. I told him I placed swatches of the foyer color around the kitchen and decided I really liked it. He convinced me to wait till night to see the color in artificial light before buying the paint. I went back to the paint store and bought two new paint colors and painted swatches all over my kitchen, foyer and bathroom. Guess what? I like the original color best. I told Emily we can't have the team dinner here on Monday because the walls are a patchwork of color. I guess I'm painting. In my spare time. That part is a joke. Actually, there's not a lot of wall space. What's going to take all the time is the taping. Lots and lots of taping.

My swim was invigorating. Just the smell of the chlorine wafting out the front door on my way in was exciting. I swam 42 laps.

I love those colors! And taping is a pain so you have my sympathy. I'm so happy for you that swimming is still such a joy. I remember when you started and never knew if you'd keep it up. Now it seems to be a part of you!
Ahh, the chlorine smell. Does it to me everytime. Takes me back to early morning swim practice. Meets. Gliding through the water. Ahhh.
Green is good.
Can't wait for you to get the new camera and review it for us!
I'm in the middle of painting hell myself. Ugh. I love your color choice. And what is it about the smell of chlorine?
I'm crazy about that green! PAINTING....UGH. I'm so glad the bathroom re-do here is done!
Happy Friday!
I have never painted a day in my life. I wouldn't know the first thing about painting.
Team parents are suppose to embarress thier kids aren't they?
I really like the green. My vote is for the pale green in the bathroom.
do I even get a vote? hmmm.
42 laps is pretty impressive! I'd be lucky to be able to do 4 at this point.
It does look like you have a lot of taping to do. I like your new color though.
beautiful colors!!
Emily looks posed and ready to go on the field..
cool shoes btw---
Good luck with the framing..that's the biggest pain without a doubt.
I'm off to watch the star wars clone thingie on cartoon network with my boys..
I'd rather be painting.
coffee? :)
a friend and i painted my bedroom, bathroom and kitchen years ago when i lived elsewhere. i think we did a pretty good job too. lol!
love your home!
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