I came straight home after work to help Emily get ready for the ROTC Military Ball she was attending with her friend Nikki. Emily was Nikki's substitute 'date.' Nikki went all out with a beautiful gown, an updo, and a mani/pedi. Emily was more low-key and wore her homecoming dress and did her own hair and nails. The girls were here and ready, along with my ex, when I got home. We drove to Nikki's house for lots of pictures. Aren't they cute?

Emily and Nikki came home early. Em said it was OK but kind of boring. Lots of speeches about joining the Army, and food that wasn't very good. She was happy to take off her dress and get back into jeans.
Tomorrow I'll be spending some time at my salon. We had a 'not so extreme make-over' contest, a winner was chosen, and tomorrow will be the 'Big Reveal'. The winner was treated to botox, derma-fillers, haircut and color, manicure and pedicure, massage and a facial. Lord and Taylor provided clothing. I think she might have had her teeth whitened. I'm sure I'm forgetting something else. I would have loved it all :) Her husband wrote a very heartwarming letter about why she deserved to win. I don't know the full story, but I do know that he has cancer. The salon will be set up with an array of flat screen monitors. Lots of print and TV coverage. A DJ. Food. Etc. I have no idea what I'll wear because my wardrobe is pretty limited and we're supposed to be a little dressy. I'll worry about that tomorrow.
I'll write about my exciting day tomorrow. Till then...
The girls did look cute. Too bad it was boring!
The makeover sounds like a great prize!
We have a Rita's around here. I have never been. They held a fundraiser to benefit autism last week and I was supposed to go, but I forgot all about it. I had never heard of Rita's before that, now it is everywhere! lol
The girls are beautiful!
Your upcoming day sounds like so much fun...Smile pretty for the cameras...can you post some pics here, too?
Happy Sunday good buddy. Hugs.
The girls look so pretty.
I could so use a make over on my tummy and teeth...not that my teeth our really bad...I still have all of them.....well except for one wisdom tooth that decided to get stupid on me a few years ago.....I am really glad she won it though. I love seeing deserving people being blessed with good and nice things. I wish more people would do that....this world would be such a better place. I was in JROTC back in the day.....My Master Sgt. Morris was the shizatz! He would tell us all his war stories from Vietnam.....I am sure he's passed on by now....he was in his late 50's early 60's back then.....He had a great smile and could talk to you about anything.....he was like a father in some ways.....Hope you have a great time today. I'll be sure to log in in the morning to hear about it.
The girls looks lovely!!
Hope your enjoying your day at the salon.
I love this picture.
Did you have fun today?
Hope you had a great weekend!
I saw the show on appalachia top. I thought the bit about hw the mountains were formed sounded boring but it turned out to be pretty god, if your into that kinda stuff. I did want to hear more about the people - maybe it's in future shows. The girls look great, too bad they didn't have more fun.
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